My supply used to be really good i always made more than enough for my baby. Than we moved overseas and getting ready for that trip had me really stressed out and i had no time to nurse so i mostly bottle fed and tried to pump as often as i… I travel with a small cooler or one the size of a lunch bag. I’ve traveled with my 3 year old and infant about 2-3 times a year.

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He will drink a 6-8 ounce bottle every 3-4 hours so I know between just getting to the airport and and the flight time he will need two bottles plus if there are any delays etc. Do I just bring a can of formula with me and a couple of empty bottles? Are there any handy travel things I can get to help decrease bulk? I have one of the formula dispensers but it only holds enough for three bottles.

Baby Bottles On Plane

I use enfamil ready to feed with the 8 oz boxes, but I used the 32 oz originally and I recommend just sticking it in a cooler if they let you. People have talked about using dry ice in a marked container for breast milk, I don’t see how it’s much different. Have you found this article by Courtney on formula feeding travel tips helpful? Use a thermos to keep pre-boiled water warm on long plane rides or travel days. Get your baby used to feeding with distractions. This was the second best piece of advice I was given when we started bottle feeding.

Everything You Need To Know About Formula Feeding While Traveling

In places with a clean water supply that meets Australian standards, hot water urns like hydroboils are also safe to use for preparing eilean fraoich campsite formula. I pre-measure dry formula into pumping bottles and bring an empty baby bottle and water bottle and mix when needed. Since my baby was born in May, we taken several trips to his specialist which has been an 8-12 hour drive depending on number of stops. Premake formula (Dr. Brown’s pitcher for the win!), pour in bottles, and put them in a cooler.


If you wish to add liver, grate on the small holes of a grater while frozen. Q. Why does the infant formulas include lots of vegetable oils like sunflower and olive oil? Your doctor may recommend a specialty formula for a particular feeding issue, but there’s no need to switch back once the issue’s resolved.

Last, Bring Extras

I am a lactation consultant, and I sometimes have clients who are using WAP, but they only need a few ounces per day, not an entire recipe. Can they make a batch, then dole it out into separate containers for refrigeration or freezing? Are there any alterations to the recipe that must be made if you are not going to use it that day?

I would just rinse out the bottle in the sink and put a new nipple on top. Pop the clean bottles into a sterilizing bucket. Add cold water and a sterilizing tablet and use the special lid to sink them under the water.

If you do not want it to go through the X-ray machine, you will need to inform the agent. In that case, however, your milk or formula will likely be opened and have to go through additional screening. If you bring prohibited items through security, here are a few options aside from giving your items to the TSA. Yes, completely frozen liquids are considered solid and therefore have no restrictions. The liquid must be completely frozen and not slushy.

We began traveling with her shortly after she was born. So, on more than one occasion, we had to fly with breast milk. We even flew internationally a couple of times during those first months and brought expressed milk along for the journey.

Other Tips For Travelling With Formula Fed Baby

Pack enough cartons for the whole journey and for any possible delays. Carry the sterilised bottles in a sterilised, lidded container. The most convenient way to bottle-feed your baby on a long journey is to use ready-made formula, which comes in handy little cartons. Potential contamination does occasionally occur and awareness is vital to prevent offering it your baby.