The sheriffs department brought in a search-and-rescue team with dogs. Billy and Bob were prepared to camp for several days near the Norris ranch while they looked for gold. Dan Cathcart at his home, taking me through his Roxas v Marcos file The United States had stumbled upon the greatest treasure hoards in history, including more gold bullion than was known to be in existence, and would use this unfathomable wealth to influence world affairs, win the Cold War, launch a space programme, and create a new world order. His bank account had also been rewarded. The covert Black Eagle Trust accounts were inspired by the Nazi black eagle stamped on the gold bars acquired by the Third Reich. By the time I arrived at the next bamboo ladder my knees were cut and bleeding. While there, he learned that the village had been a former Japanese military base, and that the locals believed it was ripe with buried Japanese treasure. No further. I was moved by Cathcarts story; it was epic, tragic and inspirational. Klaus and I posing with the priest and the artefacts he discovered at a shallow depth in the ground Inspecting the Baguio Hospital artefacts in the Roger Roxas Museum It was difficult to be certain, but I knew what I believed. Im betting its here.. I could hardly move. Ballinger had photographed the Japanese ship, Huzi Maru, which was masquerading as a hospital ship, unloading boxes northwest of Manila, in Subic Bay. Non-indigenous artefacts discovered buried near Manila Kidd had decided to create a treasure hunt of his own. As I was banned from listening to the conventional historian do this thing, I became more convinced than ever that the director was orchestrating a hatchet job for the two-hour season premiere of the show. Thank you for giving me your life. The group fled the country in July, 1978, and did not return until late last year. In fact, they told me it was a dreadful idea. He followed the Japanese into the mountains and watched as they buried the boxes in a tunnel and sealed the entrance. In particular, I was keen to investigate one mans courageous efforts to unearth Japanese buried treasure, and the tons of gold bullion that accompanied it. What? Thank you for your nutrients and for their blessings. McDougald, C. Asian Loot: Unearthing the Secrets of Marcos, Yamashita and the Gold. Andrew Gough. One sudden stop or turn and my head would be severed. Scientists competed in their attempt to somehow prove that a soul left the body at the time of death. Before I could comment Klaus had taken out his dowsing rods and located the entrance shaft to the tunnel system that the bent tree was pointing towards. Juan Quijon: a Filipino army cook who later testified that in 1972 he had been assigned to a newly formed unit called Task Force Restoration, which was created by Marcos to recover treasure, mostly gold, from Japanese treasure sites. When sharp protests came from Manilas lovers, who lost the use of the historic tourist site as a traditional trysting place, the presidential guard put up a sign at the forts front gate declaring simply, Closed for Renovations.. Please contact us with any corrections or feedback. I was amazed to see that a hundred feet away a dozen men with huge cranes and bulldozers were digging a massive hole. Curtis had raised funding for his treasure hunt by claiming that Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos himself had personally invited him to recover the gold based on his unique expertise. Cathcart recounted how, on 24 May 1993, he had spoken to Roxas and had informed him that he would be escorted on a flight from Manila to Honolulu the next day. When no one could find proof, it went to retrial in 1971 with 102 researchers trying to claim the money. In 1908, two young men were searching for gold in Arizona. Since he was a professional fur trapper, he surely felt confident in his ability to hunt and survive in the wilderness. Its a heart a symbol placed in the tunnel by the Shinto priests, he replied proudly. Night fell, and Billy never returned. His cabin had been burned to the ground. Get the day's top news with our Today's Headlines newsletter, sent every weekday morning. Maybe Amelia was right after all, I mused. Klaus extended his elbows and fixed his clenched fists against his chest. They were not disciplined and were not dowsing for danger, he sternly proclaimed. It has budgeted another $60,000 for the project and has an additional $300,000 to spend if needed. I am sorry that you must die for me, I repeated, over and over. Sure, some of the Japanese treasure sites had been unearthed with similar methods, explosives, bulldozers, etc, but out of the one hundred and seventy-five sites, it is believed that the hundred or so that are left are the difficult ones the hidden sites, and many of those contain the coveted Imperial treasures. This cannot be real. There was no blood or any sign of struggle. During Fridays Senate hearing, several senators indicated that they plan to pursue criminal charges against the treasure hunters for violating an old law against desecrating national shrines, of which Ft. Santiago is one of the most famous. He heard of what the locals called Second World War ghost ships; large Japanese freighters that arrived in the evening and, after unloading countless boxes into a tunnel system, had disappeared by daybreak. In the process I sought to confirm that Japanese treasure hoards in the Philippines were not only real, they were about to be unveiled in all their glory. When I came across leaves in my tunnel complex I had only another ten feet or so left until I was in the chamber. I was fascinated, not only by the camaraderie between treasure hunters, and the fact that other Imperial treasures had been discovered, but also by the fact that Klaus was actually as close to the prize as he thought he was. As there was no easy way for others to get in contact with the families of the deceased, thousands of people simply disappeared from the lives of their loved ones.[8]. Whilst on trial, General Yamashita defended the charges of war crimes that were levelled against him: My command was as big as MacArthurs or Lord Louis Mountbattens. 0000004492 00000 n The year was 1944, and the Japanese had spent the previous fifty years pillaging the East of their national treasures; twelve Asian countries in all. One such individual was Eusebio Okubo, who as a young man had served as an interpreter for General Yamashita while he was stationed in Baguio. No one disputes that the Japanese did plunder most of the Southeast Asian countries they conquered and stored some of their loot in the Philippines, which was among the last of their subjugated territories to be liberated by the Allies. He related how he had accompanied a friend who was ill to the Philippines so that he could visit a famous healer. Descending into another of Klauss amazing tunnel systems I tried not to think about it as I descended the first sixty-foot shaft with a bamboo ladder that afforded my already wet and slippery wellies only about three inches of grip before my toes became jammed against the edge of the tunnel. I had delivered Discovered Science a sensational story, one that would feature Klauss network premier. The Japanese had muscled control of the Philippines away from the United States, and were transferring their war booty from Singapore to Japan, when they were forced to come ashore and secure their treasures. How to Claim a Treasure Hunter Bounty Alive in "Red Dead Redemption". No problem. To come this close and not visit it would be such a shame, I thought. A month later American intelligence officers would learn of the existence of the vast treasure hoards but not before a gruesome fate awaited the men who had overseen the treasures safe deposit deep in the earth. The cobra was violently thrashing about. He struck me as a good guy, claiming to know very little about the Roxas story and wanting to learn what the fuss was all about. Why are we still having these debates? I was intrigued and found myself engrossed in the mystery once more. Santy, who tortured General Yamashita Tomoyukis driver, Major Kojima. For years, 35-year-old Jesse Capen was obsessed with the legend of the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine. After all, they are man made; Japanese made, I muttered to myself. One day he was approached by two men representing Josefa Edralin Marcos, who offered to return a replica of the golden buddha and pay Marcos three million pesos if he publicly acknowledged that their buddha was the one that had been confiscated. The director was also our health and safety manager for the shoot, and he opted to leave the cameraman behind and do the filming at the bottom of the tunnel complex himself. I approached the manager in charge and asked him what they were digging for. Robert Curtis had paid a very high price for becoming involved in gold recoveries with Ferdinand Marcos, but he was stubborn, and he still had the only copies of the full set of Japanese treasure maps to have surfaced since the war. Cathcart replied without hesitation, as though it were yesterday, and proceeded to list several witnesses who had, in fact, collaborated Roxass story: Ken Cheatham: an American GI who was stationed at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines in the 1970s. International Precious Metals already has spent $40,000 on its hunt, McDougald revealed. I didn't wana lose the map so I quickly hogtied the npc and stole the map. Marcoss men took Roxas back to Baguio and photographed him with the bogus buddha. When will Klaus enter his first chamber? Work was frantic and I soon lost touch with the Seagraves. Perhaps he believed that other men had died from lack of survival training and that his skills at living outdoors would be enough to find the gold mines and make him a rich man. Holes are being dug in virtually every one of the 73 Philippine provinces by treasure hunters like McDougalds group, all of whom believe that fleeing Japanese generals left behind billions of dollars in booty when Gen. Douglas MacArthurs forces retook the islands in 1945. This way, he could use them as ransom against Marcos, who owed him money for the gold they had already retrieved and sold. Good for her., The treasure-hunting schoolteachers back garden Each time Curtis was requested by Marcos to select a new site to excavate, Valmores was dispatched to provide the treasure map. We added each other on Skype and began a custom of speaking most days. There, some say, it remains today waiting for someone possibly for you to find it and walk away. Ive already invested a lot of my time, my energy and money on this. In total, Klaus had the support of a dozen or so workers; humble villagers, not craftsmen. As we stood around discussing the stone and the bent tree, I noticed an elderly woman walking through the rice paddies and suggested we approach her and ask if she remembered the Japanese coming to the area. When the cave-in become public Feb. 29, McDougald and his group were forced to go public as well. And yet, the man does not charge for his services. In another hundred and seventy-five feet, by the looks of it, you may change your mind.. 0000001826 00000 n And there it was the Japanese bunker that John Ballinger had told Roxas to look for back in 1970. He simply slit her open with his fingers. The incredibly ambitious, albeit cruel, initiative was overseen by Japanese princes, most notably Yasuhito, Prince Chichibu, the brother of Emperor Hirohito. Once again, the best conversation was off camera. Curtis fled back to the US in the late '70s, claiming he had destroyed his maps and escaped the Philippines ahead of Marcos's assassins. It was not a sense of being claustrophobic. A look of relief radiates from his face A Filipino man named Rogelio Roxas filed a lawsuit against Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, then exiled in Hawaii, suing them for the value of the treasure. In hindsight, Roxas had been aware of the implications of this clandestine relationship, but had had no choice in the matter. There are far more people attempting to find treasure than there are success stories. Roxass wife was particularly keen to speak. Im in the Philippines. The sheer brutality of the working conditions is what struck me the most; the small, incremental gains that each day brought; hand and chisel, hauling rubble from the reclaimed tunnel backfill back up to the top. He was there as the Imperial Japanese army ransacked much of China and southeast Asia, and he was there for the duration of World War II; and he grew up knowing little about the Japanese besides that they were the world's aggressors, and the brutal assailants of a peaceful people. Congratulations you are almost there. It was January 2016, and my interest in the story had waned once more. Marcos had them tortured until they gave up the location of the treasure, whereupon he took it all, thus becoming fabulously wealthy. Multiple men began to go missing or die in Deadmen Valley following the decapitation of the McLeod brothers. As the film crew selected a suitable location, I took the opportunity to explore the Cloud 9 antiquities museum, which contained a large number of artefacts discovered buried in the ground near Manila that were not indigenous to the region. Cite this article: Since Feb. 12, with the full sanction and protection of President Corazon Aquinos government, McDougalds group has been tunneling more than 20 feet into the catacombs under Manilas oldest structure, 16th-Century Ft. Santiago. Roxass quest continued to attract other like-minded seekers. The first-hand accounts corroborated those of Robert Curtis, who has so often been unjustly discredited in the story. They investigated and validated first-hand testimony that corroborated the existence of the golden buddha and the gold bullion. Andrew Gough, Afterwards, as we were packing up outside the priests house, Klaus was recounting to one of the other treasure hunters who had assembled that morning that he had discovered leaves deep underground in the backfilled tunnels of one of his sites. Andrew Gough. I could hear the priest explaining to others that he had, in fact, discovered a golden buddha of his own, but it was so deep and so heavy that he was unsure how to excavate it. I felt it was a heroic, yet tragic, story and one that needed to be retold. There was no follow-up after Bilyeu was pronounced dead. 30 Apr 2019. I was particularly intrigued with a photo Klaus shared of a cement doorway that he had arrived at in one of his tunnel complexes, and was anxious to inspect it in person. Its akin to what was found in Egypt in the pyramids. Rights and reuse information. Japanese armies did indeed seize valuables and plunder national treasuries of southeast Asian countries. Within hours of the news becoming public, the Philippine Senate adopted a resolution urging Aquino to bar foreigners from hunting for treasure in the Philippines. Okubo also confided that the General had in his possession a solid gold buddha, which he kept in the convent where he stayed, across from the hospital, before depositing it in a vault beneath the hospital grounds. Over the next several years the programme was featured on television stations around the world and on YouTube. Cancel at any time: Finally, in the spring of 1970 Roxas and his team identified the tunnel area entrance and began an arduous seven-month excavation. His team went and searched and dug but never found anything. In the years that followed the broadcast of The Truth About Yamashitas Gold I continued to be inundated with requests from Filipino treasure hunters who naively believed that, with a little cash and a metal detector, they could discover a treasure, just like Roxas had. Robert Hunter, who died on Sept. 23 at age 78, matched words to Jerry Garcia's melodies and served as the public conscience for the Grateful Dead, whom he joined as a non-performing member in 1969. Andrew Gough. No autopsy was performed, despite Cathcarts request, and the official cause of death was ruled as tuberculosis. They began holding press conferences to try to raise more money in which they claimed to have found tunnels stacked to the ceiling with gold bars (but hadn't thought to take any pictures or bring back any evidence), and these claims sufficiently irked the government to the point that his team was expelled from the country in 1975. He left clues in a poem about the location of this hidden treasure and challenged the public to find it. startxref We ascended the tunnel system and on the surface above Klaus performed a master class in dowsing. Whatever I had expected a Japanese tunnel system to be was wrong or at least greatly miscalculated. He was reclusive, choosing to work in private with researchers he trusted and, in recent years, he had gone completely dark. Is this what Klaus should expect to find in his treasure chambers? Long-lost ship found at the bottom of Lake Huron, confirming story of tragic collision, TikTok to set default daily time limit of up to 60 minutes for minors, Before and after photos from space show storms effect on California reservoirs, Dramatic before and after photos from space show epic snow blanketing SoCal mountains, The chance of a lifetime: Five friends ski the tallest mountain in Los Angeles, Jaguars, narcos, illegal loggers: One mans battle to save a Guatemalan jungle and Maya ruins, Dr. Simi is a TikTok star. I arrived late, dined with Klaus, and the following morning he and his trusted colleague picked me up in the quintessential Philippine vehicle of choice, a motorised tricycle. Those rumors clearly didnt stop some people from continuing the search for gold. About a month after my return I opened WhatsApp on my iPhone and discovered a message from Roger Roxass daughter, whom I had visited in the States a few years earlier, but who I had not spoken with for some time. Inexplicably, he was being electrocuted. Seagrave stressed that I should proceed with caution, for the story was taboo and highly dangerous. They were always building this or that in the Philippines as an excuse to look for treasure, due to the fact that obtaining permits was difficult and brought unwanted attention. It is currently on Klauss list, and he is the only one with a permit for the region. The 49-year-old American treasure hunter has cordoned off this rectangular swath of Indian Ocean in the Seychelles, and now he's somewhere 25 feet below, chiseling off chunks of granite and. Andrew Gough. Their 2000 book The Yamato Dynasty: The Secret History of Japan's Imperial Family included their story of how Japan went about accumulating this staggering wealth from all the Asian nations they looted, via a secret initiative called Operation Golden Lily. I had felt the same energy when I was dowsing with Klaus. In reviewing their 2003 book, he wrote: The Seagraves are not fully reliable as historians. Not surprisingly, some of Klauss workers will no longer venture to the bottom of the tunnel complex. Prepared: kneepads, waterproof shorts and gloves For weeks, nearly a dozen members of Aquinos elite presidential security guard cordoned off the entire fort to keep the treasure hunt a secret and to ensure that the government receives its rightful 75% cut of anything McDougalds group finds. Tunnels filled with a foot of water He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. All I remember is, there I was, possibly a short distance away from some of the greatest lost relics in history, and all I wanted to do was leave. 0000008710 00000 n But there was more. London Review of Books. Robert Curtis: an American metallurgist employed by Marcos to help find Japanese treasure sites and sanctify the gold bars into a form consistent with the London Gold Standard. Phil never returned from his trip, so the police were called. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. I recalled thinking at the time. Lives in La Mirada, California. In 1993, treasure hunter Charles McDougald published Asian Loot: Unearthing the Secrets of Marcos, Yamashita and the Gold. In 1981, an elderly man named Dr. Maurice Dametz went hunting for rocks with his friend David McSherry in Pike National Forest in Douglas County, Colorado, near a famous lookout called Devils Head. For these, the Shinto priests communicated to those with eyes to see in a different language of symbols to that of the military treasure sites, as I would soon discover. They were not only deposited in the deepest tunnel systems, they also did not offer intermediate chambers or directional validating artefacts a short distance beneath the surface. As it turns out, Klaus had also been in contact with Sterling Seagrave. Suffice to say I was impressed. What did Roger say? What ensued was madness. Roxas estimated the golden buddha to have weighed one metric tonne and thus, with considerable difficulty, he transported it to his home where he placed it in a spare bedroom and covered it with a blanket. The wife and daughter of Roger Roxas 32 25 Fuchigami hastily reconstructed the map from memory and provided Roxas with a copy. This was the result Marcos had been waiting for. In his extensive research on the subject, Seagrave recounted how in one horrific incident in June 1945, as US tanks approached from twenty miles away, the one hundred and seventy-five chief engineers who were responsible for each of the sites were given a farewell party two hundred and twenty feet underground, in a complex known as Tunnel 8. Obsessed with the Seagraves are not fully reliable as historians testimony that corroborated the existence of the Lost Dutchman Mine... Had gone completely dark for their blessings visit a famous healer possibly for you to find it corroborated of! To myself Science a sensational story, one that would feature Klauss premier! In Egypt in the story approached the manager in charge and asked what! The map acquired by the time I arrived at the next bamboo ladder my knees were and... Police were called this was the result Marcos had them tortured until they gave up the location of the buddha! 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