If so, would you please leave a comment for Sean detailing your situation and how/if you fixed it? I have been on pain meds since my surgery, I am thinking that they are going to have to go back in and hopefully fix this, I was just wondering if other people have had this done and what kind if success, Greetings! My husband had an unscheduled triple bypass in December 2019, two weeks after his 73rd birthday. Mastitis is an infection in a clogged duct. I asked the same questions after 4 months to my doctor. Doing it this way ensures that they don't cut through any chest muscle, so this normally ensures that normally the only pain is from the incision. I spent many nights rocking back and forth from severe pain in back and shoulder, then April 30, 2018 called my brother at 11:30 at night asking him to take me to the hosp (a different one from the one I was going to) cause I couldnt breathe from the pain. I am recovering now 2nd week at my younger daugher place, after they sent me home from hospital. If sensation hasn't been achieved by then, sensation may be regained in 12 to 18 months. Is wondering if anyone else has had Open Heart Surgery?? The Heart Update: A Heart Event and New Heart Tests Results, https://community.familyheart.org/welcome, Family Heart Foundation Real-World Analysis Reveals Majority of Americans at High Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack Remain Under-Treated, Family Heart Foundation Public Comment for Screening for Lipid Disorders in Children and Adolescents. I find comfort in the 3 fs.Faith,friends, and family to get me through these dog days of post op Doctors told me I could go back to work 12 weeks after surgery so my mind will be more occupied and less negative thinking. We deserve better. A CT scan shows details of the bones, muscles, fat, and organs. Handb Clin Neurol. doi:10.1097/WNR.0000000000000382, (13) Khan J, Noboru N, Imamura Y, Eliav E. Effect of Pregabalin and Diclofenac on tactile allodynia, mechanical hyperalgesia and pro inflammatory cytokine levels (IL-6, IL-1) induced by chronic constriction injury of the infraorbital nerve in rats. I have had pain, numbness. I developed Pneumonia and a mess of other problems during that time. I have lingering angina like chest pain and general soreness that is slowly dissipating. Back to work but feeling very tired and sleepy lately. Sorry to hear about your post operative pains, but its a relief as well.Im 8months last the same operation as you (with an unexpected bypass as well during the op) and have a number of pains I keep assuming its the scar and nerves and nothing more serious. I like cardiac rehab but I still dont feel 100 % and it is very frustrating especially when I see people in rehab that are so much older than I am, that are doing better. I take 1 x aspirin, 2 x Furosemide a day (not 8 as he prescribe and no Spiractin 25), I take half a Bisoprolol and 1 x Atorvastatin a day. But also the emotional stress before and after the surgery may cause temporary hair loss. I just couldnt get strong enough. Initially i thought i could do it all but in the end i cant express how lucky i was to have a sister and brother to help me. At 2 months my Balance and Surefootedness returned, I attribute to exercise, legs getting stronger. For some people, it may last for 1 or 2 years. God is good hes took good care of me . It hurts when I breathe in deeply, exercise, and even when I'm re, I had bypass surgery 12 weeks ago. Of course be sure to ask me about numbness and recovery with all surgical procedures. I was an extreamly healthy 33 year old man before my OHS and hospitalization this year. However I do have a serious problem PAIN!! i feel blessed to be alive although i have all these issues because the worst could have happened . I never took any medications before this. after reading the many stories. I was referred to a cardiologist who then advised me that it would be a case of when, not if Id need to have a valve replacement. My surgery was on March 20th, I am recovering good by Gods grace, only thing sometimes I feel short of breath And also little bit of memory loss which Im trying to recover. And post OP delirium. CABG X 4 - Nov.2013. He brings up my spirits cause in the hosp he told me all looks awesome and I should last another century lol. Things get better but, slower then anticipated. Could that be the wires? I jogged about 1/4 of a mile three days ago. Hey Vince, Hoping you are doing much better! It has gotten some better but not completely. His doctor offers no help or hope. doi:10.1196/annals.1377.014, (12) Griggs RB, Bardo MT, Taylor BK. Dont get me wrong: I have struggles that sometimes seem overwhelming. I should be starting my cardiac rehab in another week, although I have been walking pretty regularly. If anyone is still experiencing breathing issues one year post and has any advice on that and anything that might reduce inflammation in the chest, your advice is greatly appreciated. sensitivity (to the touch) reduced . I am worried that I have done something. You had surgery to repair or replace one of your heart valves. I am not gaining weight but definately feel like the band is tighter. You are young and should heal well. Maybe talk to your GP and give them a try. Hi to all. It does get better but it takes time. I am now Post 5 months and I just cant seem to gain my footing. Best advice I have had is stay as active as you can and time is your friend. Cardiologist said I have vertebral basilar insufficiency and recommended vascular surgery. Thank you for sharing your story. This ordeal has definitely showed me that I am not. I decided just to take one 500mg paracetamol in the evening, in case I have pain. I have changed my diet, I changed my primary care physician and I now have a medical doctor who is also a chiropractor and a natural health Dr. and only see him online. Some people feel very tired and exhausted most, or all of the time. Sudden-onset: If you noticed sudden numbness in one or both of your buttocks, this could be a medical emergency and you should seek immediate medical attention. I had to reduce my work hours. Basically, bacteria was growing all through my heart, it destroyed the tricuspid valve and aortic valve as well as damaging the upper electrical node and stretching my heart muscle to nearly twice its normal size. Mostly, however, Im just so grateful to be alive. BTW, how are you now? If they don't, talk to your doctor about it. I dont do much lifting. Statistics for depression are so high and alarmed me when I read up on it but knowing this is very helpful for me. Blood clots are a medical emergency. Still worried about my muscle pain and sternum tenderness and take ibuprofen to keep it under some level of control. I appreciate he has been through a major ordeal, both physically and mentally, and it is so unfortunate that it has happened bang in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis when life is in a turmoil for everyone. This surgery will require a . Anesthesia causes numbness on purpose. Not yet cleared from rehab, not back at work because Im unable to stand longer than an hourI used to do 10 hour shifts on my feet before You have to tell yourself to hang in there & make it back cos you have to. While we cannot give you medical advice, we may be able to help you find an FH specialist. I am just barely past 5 months from my OHS of triple bypass at the age of 57. I thought I had a pinch nerve in my right arm. The PC assumed it was an equipment malfunction but she never did anything, too my knowledge to rule out that it was machine malfunction or that I may have to go for further tests to determine if it was my heart. It is unsettling not really knowing what normal is, but grateful to be alive. I am thankful for my many doctors, family, friends and technology. Bypass was done. I am still a chronically Ill with Coronary Artery Disease, Pulmonary Oedema Patient with Advanced Renal failure needing medications BUT I have a life, although different to my best, a life, and a good life ahead. My primary care doctor tells me Im doing great. My cardiologist & hence my wife day I am fine & doing well. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. Ive never smoked, never been overweight, eat healthfully, have low cholesterol, and drink in moderation. I found him! doi:10.1097/SLA.0b013e3182701a7b. It may help to think of numbness and tingling as natural side effects of surgery. Sleep is still somewhat of an issue, because of rib and shoulder discomfort. . Give me patience, Ill do my part give me some results for the work. I said to myself after my extremely difficult and unforgettable homecoming and initial recovery period that I would never wish such a dreadful roller coaster of emotion on any poor soul. I am 3 months from terrible mitral valve replacement and couple other procedures. The most common is coronary artery bypass grafting, which . The past few weeks been walking with a 5 pound weight. I still get a lot of pain in my chest, mostly on the left side. It was a shock to discover in a routine exam that I had unstable angina and an angiography soon after three up TVD. Suddenly this March 2019, I had Shortness of breath and admitted in Hospital. Dr. Creighton Wright answered. Ive never been religious but God has his finger on every aspect of my life the last 6 weeks. The Meds also have my Kidney Function borderline, so I cant take any NSAIDS for the stiffness that I sometimes get from exercising, not really a big deal as I only took them 4-5 times/year anyway. I had A fib issuesthat is now under control and I am off of xarelto the first month after surgery involved a lot of throwing up. Very informative article and I really enjoyed going through the comments to view others experiences after OHS. I am 22 years old.I feel discomfort in my heart and pain. You hit the nail on the head brianm depending on the skill of your surgeon (and whether he was something of a speed demon!) Never thought 5 months ago I would be talking about this but here I am. Hi all, i am 49 years old. Hi Marlon, We are glad you are doing well. And Im also walking about 5 miles a day, and I walk every day whether I feel like it or not. Incisions healing well but very sensitive. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today. Two months after surgery, I have good days and bad days. Milk ducts can become clogged, causing a firm, tender lump. It was scary and I got pretty depressed over what I had stupidly done to myself so early in my recovery. This is priceless, wonderful help! What are some of the things that made you more comfortable? , Hi, Yes I also feel the same I posted above(In detail. Normally heart surgery is done by performing a vertical incision from just below the collar bone, to just below the breast. I have fortunately found quite a lot of useful info online. Mostly, I want to thank you all for sharing your storys and for this opportunity to share mine with you. The doctors can tell us a lot and thank God for them, but folks like you who are reporting from the trenches offer encouragement, lived experience, and advice. It hasnt been easy but then I had no choice. One gentleman said that they had a porcine valve installed and were concerned with having to replace it in the future The doctors can now repair the valve by introducing a valve in valve replacement without having to bust open your chest again (specifically for older folks) I will check back from time to time and let you know how my recovery goes. I still have incredible numbness in both incisions, leg and chest. Obviously, since the scar tissue was caused by surgery, using surgery to get rid of it can be a problem. Had a quadruple bypass in January.In the hospital for 6 days but could have gone home after 4. I started having heart problems in my mid 40s. 5 months later and Im suffering from a bit of depression and pain in my right upper arm and shoulder. Advice? The nerves have been damaged and MAY never heal 100%. most of all thank God for giving you a second chance in life. Angiogram showed a 95% blockage in my LAD and surgery was recommended they couldnt stent it because it was on a bend and at a junction. Not anything excruciating, and goes away right away. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. At 66 i encourage people to have ekg and follow up on any issues. Functionally recovered is about 9 months to a year. Numbness has been identified as divergent from positive neuropathic symptoms and therefore excluded from some neuropathic assessment tools (Neuropathic Pain Scale for PostSurgical . Search Heart Hospitals Can't say whether the voltaren (aka voltarol in Europe) will help but it certainly makes the massage less abrasive to the skin! Blessings to all! 45 days after my Surgery I took my first flight journey back to the country where Im working and started working. Mine is similar to yours Aortic valve replaced and Graft also.but im good, 2023 All Rights Reserved Family Heart Foundation. In this procedure, a nerve is visualized with ultrasound. Recovery took longer than I anticipated, but was slow. Really depressed. While I am exercising 5-6 days a week, can keep up with 20 year olds on the basketball court and can steal bases in my baseball league, routine breathing is still a daily challenge. I also just finished my heart Valve replacement last 2 months. Drs say it takes up to six month to be at my normal self again. I feel healthy, Im still active and I have no symptoms. So just checking with you guys and share your experience too. Neuroreport. Just dont force yourself too much esp carrying something heavy or stretching your arms too much. its been 2 months now after the operation, healing is well on its way, i just feel tired and sometimes out of breath and this is because of anxiety. Dizzy, Vertigo, and I live in a brain cloud. I suppose we think, throughout our lives, that we are immortal and it seems that I have realised I am not! I had surgery in May 2015 (quad) I still have pain. Read food labels for sodium content. AFTER SURGERY CARE. Treating it as "normal" is a risky thing there could be all kinds of possible reasons for pain and some are serious. I have good days and bad days but I feel like Im never going to get back to normal. Symptoms of Numbness and Tingling in the Lower Back. Thanks. But if it persists, and certain signs flare up, it's time to seek medical attention. I work in a position where I am doing presentations and meeting people and sometimes I find it hard to concentrate; it feels like Im thinking through honey. Now about nine months out still have some minor tingling at incision and drain tube scars. During my recovery I always had pain the the sternum area and the incision. at the same time i felt bad for putting them in that position and impacting their lives, maybe your son feels the same way. I feel so darn alone like no one seems to get what I went thru but me. I am Kim, 59 and had mitral valve replacement OHS on 21 Feb 2020. I am on all the same meds you are taking and was wondering if you were or had experienced any of the dizziness while on these meds?? Then, I felt the need to see a cardiologist after minor but recurrent pain in left shoulder. My hand is still asleep, and it is thus both numb and hyper-sensitive to touch. I was in another 12 days fighting the infection trying different antibiotics. This will improve steadily. The most common symptoms of nerve damage after surgery are usually numbness, tingling, burning, muscle weakness or atrophy. All rights reserved. I walked prior to surgery, while I had not felt well for most of the summer I never felt like I couldnt walk because my hips hurt so badly, my legs feel like they weight a Ton each and I have increase numbness especially to my feet. Currently, I still feel tired (sometimes almost faint) and I still feel pain while traveling especially the cut under my breast. Here is Seans story: Im recovering from aortic valve and aortic root replacement surgery. Just taking it day by day. Recently I feel like it may be getting worse - almost like a pulled a muscle pain which makes me think it is the nerves. The first steps were the hardest I ever took in my life. Her grip strength went from negligible to normal. None of this at all related to the original accident. So last night during dinner, I started getting mild but intensifying pain between my shoulder blades and,after about an hour of that, my breath started coming in shorter breathsAs I had a single beer with my dinner, Im thinking its gasthe Wife thinking Our 30 year relationship was toast.!! I am walking some everyday but have not been able to increase the time as anticipated. when i got home i suffered with breathing problems depression and found that i could only sleep for about 2 or 3 hours and night. Men, nothing personal! Recovery was hard but after 6 months I am thinking about again running a full marathon. This is solely a personal account that might or might not offer some insight on what to expect when diagnosed with this condition. I check my blood every 15 days once (PT INR). An abscess under your nipple or areola can cause pain, redness, and heat. I had quadruple bypass after care flight got me to the hospital on Christmas Eve of last year. I was put on Gabapentin for pain which did help but I just got off the medicine because I don't want to stay on it. All of a sudden I'd be in agony. 2013;115:7-27. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-52902-2.00002-3, (5) Fleischman AN, Rothman RH, Parvizi J. Femoral Nerve Palsy Following Total Hip Arthroplasty: Incidence and Course of Recovery. I am 63 and recently had a bicuspid aortic valve replaced. You cant stop all your tablets; I still have coronary artery disease and Heart disease inside and outside my heart with patches like craters of disease on my heart. Nerve damage takes longer to resolve. As my chest bone heals I can feel it tightening up. Groups of these fascicles make up the bigger nerve (4). Eat a low-salt diet (2,000 mg of sodium a day). Most patients experience a full recovery from numbness a day or two following surgery. Search by name Nicky). No one seems to care! Triple by pass on April of this year 2018.Could not have asked for a better out come. I tried driving buts its still to painful. it's nin By entering this site you declare I am on a statin and asprin- thats it. What with coping with the sternum pain as well, it was very painful. Im 60 years old, thought pain would be bad. But I am so, Roy says, "I have not been on this site for very"Read more, Search 1,500 patient-recommended surgeons. So tired of being sore, how long still??? com or text or call him on +(234) 9063230051. But still i feel little bit of energy lost during the day and i keep taking Vitamin C to reboot. Much to live for! A lot of people told me it will take a year before some of the chest pain subsides. Brain keratan sulfate and glial scar formation. Seems like it takes forever to get back to sleep and then wake up again a few hours later. Numbness can occur after surgery for several reasons, especially if you received anesthesia. Stay positive and MEDITATE! I dont chose to, is it too early to start having problems like the people on the post. Rest when you are tired. He told me I have heart murmur. They're meant for patients' well-being. a few days later I had OHS triple bypass. Lol. After a week, at home I called my surgeon and was told they had no, idea what it could be. Thanks for the blog. Hi Janice. It gives me hope for the future. What has helped me is making sure to walk everyday and be at least somewhat active throughout the day. So clinch those fist, and give em hell. I dont take any other blood thinners other than aspirin but will examine that next. Hello John, I am at 17 days post surgery, and certainly better than the 4-5 day mark when I was, similar to you,very nauseous, no sleep, and total discomfort between waistline and shoulders. he really does not want any one with him ,its been 2 weeks and just now said I could come for a short visit. Think of your leg feeling numb if you sit too long in the same position. It turned out my problems were congenital a bicuspid aortic valve and a related aneurysm of the aortic root. They couldnt understand why my heart function was so poor, there were a couple of blockages but only at 60%, he said we cant see any other issue causing this so lets get the obvious fixed, I said ok and 6 weeks later I had a quadruple heart bypass, 5 days in hospital and I was home and that was including having a collapsed lung after surgery I had no pain only discomfort,8 weeks since op I feel really good, first 2-3 weeks I felt fragile and sleep wasnt the best, but no pain, I recently had an echocardiogram test and was told my heart was returning to normal function Its very daunting Paul I know but as my wife said its better get it done now while youre relatively fit rather than having it done as an emergency, yes reading the other posts I seem to have been quite fortunate with my recovery so far, I hope this helps you, take care Steve. My husband had an unscheduled triple bypass in December 2019, I the! Eat healthfully, have low cholesterol, and even when I read up on but... 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