People need to learn that just saying add me will NOT get them anything. National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) recently announced that personally identifiable information of more than 191,000 individuals was exposed in a data breach. A exact damage amount was not listed, but the suit said that "the matter of controversy exceeds $5 million.". The maker of Sue Bee Honey faces a class action lawsuit over claims that it misleads consumers into believing its products are pure and all natural., Plaintiff Susan Tran alleges Sioux Honey Association violated Californias Unfair Competition Law, and in doing so, has deceptively acted in misleading her and others similarly situated, in believing that Sue Bee Honey is 100% pure.. The increased production of honey abroad is not due to an increase in the number of hives. >Find out how were doing it. Please add me I have been purchasing this product. He added: True Source Honey is committed to ensuring that honey is sourced in a transparent and traceable manner and is authentic.. 2008 2023 Top Class Actions LLC Learn more about the cookies we use. Tran claims that Sue Bee products contain a synthetic chemical called glyphosate, a biocide with negative health effects. I try and always keep at least 1lb container of natural honey in my kitchen. and severely hurting domestic beekeepers and bees in the process, a new lawsuit alleges. For years, Defendants have participated in a worldwide conspiracy to defraud the United States honey market knowingly and intentionally by flooding it with fake honey that is adulterated, impure, or mislabeled, which True Source knowingly and intentionally falsely certifies as genuine, the lawsuit states. No single ingredient label like 100% honey or anything. However, this can result in some functions no longer being available. I usually look for the least expensive thinking they are all pretty much the same, but now I see they arent as regulated as I thought. Terms and Conditions. In her letter to the board, Steinfeld said that after Rotman bought her property in 2014, she began plowing up all of the arable acreage and grazing farm animals in order to restore the depleted soil for medicinal cannabis. The Fake Honey Conspiracy Class Action Lawsuit is Henrys Bullfrog Bees, et al. The REAL honey providers have every right to be angry.. I mix in my Barbecue sauce. 1. According to an incident report bottles of Busy Bee Honey. Bottles of Sue Bee Honey are filled at the Sioux Honey Association plant in Sioux City in 2012. "It's also interesting to note that these growers did not raise their claims until after Bayer announced its $300,000,000 settlement with soy growers in June of 2020," it read. The Barkman Honey family respects bees and treats them well like people and we We are driven by our commitment to maintain the sustainability of beekeeping a profession that represents the best aspects of our nation, our agriculture and our values. In a lawsuit filed on April 23 in county Superior Court, the vintner-backed nonprofit Santa Barbara Coalition for Responsible Cannabis alleges that Busy Bee in addition to True Source Certified supply chain transparency. Coy argues that use of Bayer's dicamba herbicide (as well as BASF's Engenia herbicide and Corteva's FeXapan herbicide), "greatly diminished" the pollen and nectar sources on the landscape "as a result of the drift, volatilization and other spread of the Dicamba herbicides from the fields and crops on which they were applied. Glyphosate is also one of the worlds most widely produced herbicides, and in 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer declared it a category 2A probable human carcinogen. As a result, the coalition argues, there was no county review of how Busy Bees operations might affect adjacent orchards, row crops, and vineyards, all of which are in longstanding agricultural preserves. Moreover, Trans claimsshe did not receive a product that measured up to her expectations and ingested a product that included an ingredient that poses potential health risks.. While Bayer has not been served with the Texas lawsuit, we stand strongly behind the safety and utility of our XtendiMax herbicide and will continue to defend this technology. Case Name & No. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Please add me dont tell me that it was fake. Add me I regularly purchase Clover Raw Honey According to the class action, a lot of the honey coming from those countries is adulterated with added sugars to make a thick, sticky fake honey product, and it has been. You must contact the Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P. v. Sunland Trading, Inc., et al.. Case No. I have been buying honey for many years. Tran claims that Sue Bee products contain a synthetic chemical called glyphosate, a biocide with negative health effects. Sign me up for the claim. I have True Source honey from Aldi for years. In a Sept. 15 story published by The Huffington Post, Huser said glyphosate is commonly used on farm fields frequented by bees, and the pesticide travels back with the bees to the hives where the honey is produced. Yes, from Walmart, Their Great Value has the True Source Certification. The packing company Dutch Gold Honey said: As a 75-year-old family-owned business, our commitment to authentic honey runs deep. WebBusy Bee Assembled Product Weight 0.8125 POUNDS Allergen-Free Statements Tree Nut-Free, Dairy-Free, Shellfish-Free, Soy/Soybean-Free, Wheat-Free, Gluten-Free, Fish-Free, Egg-Free, Casein-Free, Milk-Free, Lactose-Free, Peanut-Free Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H) 2.13 x 2.46 x 6.50 Inches Directions Instructions Do not refrigerate. This was 2017. Top Class Actions is a legal news source The class action asserts that honey is ranked as third for the most faked foods in the United States. Add me pleases we used to love this Honey, Please add me to this I totally appreciate it, man, what a sick world we live in. A federal lawsuit filed against the honey producer challenging the "pure" and "natural" claims on labeling of some of its products has been stayed. We tell you about cash you can claim EVERY WEEK! Both lawsuits claim that Sioux Honey's labeling has put consumers who believe they are buying a product free of chemicals and unnatural ingredients at risk. :( Its now 2022. All Rights Reserved. The Sue Bee Honey class action claims that by misleading the public in believing that its products are natural, Sioux Honey Association is not only able to take away market share from their competitors, but also can sell a higher volume of their products and charge higher prices. The claims period for that settlement closed last week, on May 28. Beekeepers or companies involved in beekeeping services such as honey production, queen bee rearing and pollination who are affected and want to join the lawsuit are asked to contact Lombardi. Just like them, we care for our families. Honey is understood to be the most adulterated food after milk and olive oil. You can also reach out to us onTwitterorFacebookor via email Bottles of Sue Bee Honey are filled at the Sioux Honey Association plant in Sioux City in 2012. (See more here: On the other hand, residents who say the proliferation of cannabis grows is ruining their quality of life are fighting on multiple fronts: They are routinely challenging cannabis permits at county hearings on policy grounds, and, as a political matter, an active faction campaigned hard but unsuccessfully last fall to oust Supervisor Das Williams, the chief architect of the countys cannabis ordinance. Please add me. Thanks. Sign up here for the Animals farmed monthly update to get a roundup of the best farming and food stories across the world and keep up with our investigations. Its a free-for-all.. In a lawsuit filed on April 23 in county Superior Court, the Santa Barbara Coalition for Responsible Cannabis, Inc., a nonprofit group, alleges that Sara Rotman, The voters approved cannabis, but the process has failed us, he said. It also accuses Bayer of negligence, "creating a nuisance" and trespassing with its chemical and argues it should be held strictly liable for all damages to Coy's farm. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window),, The Slow Road to Fresh Air in the Carpinteria Valley, Get a Whiff of This: How Some Carpinterians Learned to Sniff Pot for Science, Carpinteria Pot Wars: A Dutch Clean-Air Technology Gives Residents Some Hope. Look like sugar to me. WebStrained honey is honey that has been strained to the extent that most of the larger particles, including comb, propolis and other debris normally found in honey, has been Ive use this all the time .my boys are older now but I have cooked all my meals at home and used sue bee honey all the time. South Shore Hospital recently announced that personally identifiable information and protected health information of more than 115,000 patients were exposed in a data breach. And vintners worry that they could be sued by cannabis operators if the pesticides they spray on wine grapes, including organic chemicals, are carried by wind or fog onto cannabis, a product with zero pesticide tolerance. I saw white in jar. My winery and grape-growing businesses are being threatened with their demise, my land will no longer be able to produce historically high-value agriculture, my employees and loved ones are at risk, and I cannot breathe, said Blair Pence, a coalition cofounder and the owner of Pence Vineyards & Winery at 1909 West Highway 246. Thanks for the heads up not to trust that label. True Source Honey certifies honey products as being 100% pure, genuine honey, the lawsuit states. The class action lawsuit was charged against multiple companies, including: The plaintiffs assert that True Source Honey LLC has insisted that they only certify natural and authentic honey. Me claim form please. County Must Rein In Booming Cannabis Industry, Coalition Says. :) ) But we WILL run low on our stock, or a flavor of honey during the year, so were FORCED to go to the big, box store to re-supply.. The complainants declare that the defendants have worked together in implementing fraudulent business practices to take over the honey market. You never know. I BEEN USING THIS HONEY FOR LIFE Itll work harder to find food, and to communicate the location of said food to other bees. True Source Honey started a certification process, designed to certify the origin, food safety and purity of the honey being distributed and consumed within North America, the lawsuit states, that was open to exporters, importers and packers. SIOUX CITY | The makers of Sue Bee Honey products face a pair of lawsuits calling the company's labeling misleading because traces of a common pesticide have been found in the honey. (c) Copyright 2021 DTN, LLC. Multiple companies were charged with a nationwide class action lawsuit alleging that they have worked together to sell fake honey in the U.S. market. Just checked honey in my pantry: Barkmans and TrueSource certified. Santa Barbara County is second in the state only to Humboldt for the number of active state business licenses for cannabis growers 1,164 in all. Medicines Labeled as Non-Drowsy Can Make You Drowsy An ongoing investigation is focused on potential claims that manufacturers of Non-Drowsy cold-relief, flu, and cough products mislabel medicines as Non Drowsy despite containing one or more ingredients known to cause drowsiness. Editors Note on U.S. Henrys Bullfrog Bees, et al. See where the bees made your honey, the flowers they foraged and the journey from extraction to packaging. Email* He released the following statement: "We acknowledge that a lawsuit has just recently been filed against Sioux Honey regarding allegations that our products may contain glyphosate, a chemical found in a herbicide used by farmers throughout the United States. They add that the companies involved were some of the biggest importers of honey in the U.S. market and have continually claimed that what they are selling is pure and real honey. Beekeeper groups and organisations have appealed to the US Food and Drug Administration, the US Department of Agriculture and other agencies, they have organised and formed industry groups to help address the problem, yet it persists and has only got worse.. On January 23, the coalition and three Carpinteria homeowners sued four greenhouses on Foothill Road, asking for a court order to stop the ever-present noxious odor of marijuana plants from wafting into their neighborhood. Were proud to lead the industry in high standards for honey safety, quality, purity and supply chain transparency and are bold advocates for positive change in the U.S. beekeeping and honey industries. 32 reviews. Please add me to the class action. WebAmerica's classic honey brand delivers 100% honey with no artificial flavors or preservatives. We work with trusted, carefully selected beekeepers to procure high-quality, American-made honey, in addition to self-supplying through our own apiaries. SIOUX CITY | A lawsuit filed against the makers of Sue Bee Honey has been put on hold until federal regulators determine how the term "natural" may be used in food In response to this lawsuit, Bayer sent DTN a statement stating: "We have great sympathy for any grower who suffers a crop loss, but there are many possible reasons why crop losses might occur including extreme winter weather conditions that can have particularly devastating effects on perennial crops like vineyards. Just like them, we care for our families. They included multiple companies, including SAVE Golden Prairie Honey Farms, LLC, Henrys Bullfrog Bees, and Adee Honey Farms. Not happy to read this! Add my name to all fake honey purchases I have made. Meet Barkman the bee people for nearly a century. Rita Hills, a federally designated American Viticultural Area between the cities of Lompoc and Buellton, intersected by Highway 246 and Drum Canyon and Santa Rosa roads. Please add me, Please add me, I bought this at Kroger alot, I buy this honey to bake with as well as other uses i fall into the buy the cheaper brand like the others :( add me too pls, I have purchased many of these. Webhoney-locator - Busy Bee. that reports on class action lawsuits, class action settlements, Powered by WordPress VIP. Im also a victim. Most of the permit applications in the pipeline are for cannabis operations that were designated by the county as legal, non-conforming that is, the owners signed affidavits affirming that they were growing medicinal marijuana before 2016. In a letter last month to the board, Amy Steinfeld, an attorney for Busy Bees, stated that there was no evidence of the supposed effects of terpene taint from cannabis in wine grapes. Please add me. I have bought many of these brands thinking they were ligit. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. We work hard. Read About More Class Action Lawsuits & Class Action Settlements: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I was buying the 80 ounce Pure N Simple honey at Walmart for a while. I have bought several jars of this please add me, I brought this and fed this mess to my children. Liars everywhere. This fake honey problem has been going on for many years! expected to be mailed out. The report concluded that significant and unavoidable impacts, including objectionable or offensive odors, would be created by clusters of cannabis operations; but the board voted to override these findings in the interest of developing a robust and economically viable legal cannabis industry.. Please send a claim form. A second lawsuit making similar claims has been dismissed. Top Class Actions is a Proud Member of the American Bar Association Please subscribe to keep reading. The class action lawsuit maintains that the governments lack of strict rules and regulations to oversee the honey industry has resulted in companies like True Source to certify and allow imitation honey to enter and dominate the market. Please add me. The conservationist law provides a taxpayer subsidy for farmers in order to protect farmland from urban development. Once a worker honey bee returns to the colony, it passes the nectar onto another younger bee called a house bee (between 12-17 days old). Over the last several years, due to climate change, natural disasters, neonicotinoids, pesticides, mites, colony collapse disorder, and other factors, global honey production has been steadily decreasing, the lawsuit explains. It contends that the defendants deceitful actions and wrongful collaboration have violated multiple laws, including the California Cartwright Act and Unfair Competition Law, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, and the Sherman Antitrust Act. ADD US. I, too, have purchased honey with the True Source label thinking that meant it was real. They are suing for violations and conspiracy to violate the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act, California Cartwright Act and Unfair Competition Law, and unjust enrichment. Perhaps, akin to a buzzing bee, DeSantis is awaiting the right time for the blooming of the cherry blossoms before he goes after the nectar to make the prized honey. It states that authentic honey should be made naturally from bees and should not include additives. If you believe an user or any material appearing on is copyrighted material used without proper permission, please click here. Various tests can detect the presence of some added sugars, but those from rice, wheat, sugar beet, cassava and potatoes can evade traditional testing methods. The Texas plaintiffs argue they have lost over $114 million in economic damages and are seeking to recover those losses, as well as at least $228 million in punitive damages from each company. administrator or law firm. Add. Nor are Defendants forced to buy Adees genuine honey when they can instead purchase fake honey that is True Source Certified, the class action alleges. BARKMAN HONEY, LLC. Their actions, which include blocking genuine honey from being sold in the market, have harmed both beekeepers and consumers. Santa Barbaras New State Street Hotel Opens, Santa Barbara Supes Approve 94 Transitional Cabins, Downed Eucalyptus Temporarily Shuts Down Hwy. The Organic Consumers Association, a Minnesota-based, non-profit agency, and fellow non-profit Beyond Pesticides, located in Washington, D.C., filed a lawsuit in Superior Court of the District of Columbia in November, saying that glyphosate residue has been found in products made by Sioux Honey, a honey cooperative based at 301 Lewis Blvd. The rise in popularity comes alongside a rise in fake honey products with honey now being the third most faked food, behind olive oil and milk. By submitting your comment and contact information, you agree to receive marketing emails from Top Class Actions regarding this and/or similar lawsuits or settlements, and/or to be contacted by an attorney or law firm to discuss the details of your potential case at no charge to you if you qualify. The plaintiff is seeking monetary relief,and in additionwants Sioux Honey Association to stop its alleged unfair and misleading business practices by putting an end to the representations that itsSue Bee products are natural and pure.. Decide which cookies you want to allow. Suggested Article: GOLO Fake Weight Loss Pills Class Lawsuit. The plaintiffs are seeking to represent commercial beekeepers in the U.S. that produced or sold honey nationally in the past four years. v. Sunland Trading, Inc., et al., Case No. Gordon Marks, executive director of True Source Honey, said its certification programme was designed to help prevent illegal trade in honey that circumvents US law and that has the potential to harm the reputation of all honey sold in North America. They argue that Monsanto/Bayer and BASF were negligent in designing, marketing and selling their dicamba herbicides and are strictly liable for damages from them. Send forms. Ive used this stuff forever, but Im done. Please correct the following errors and try again: We've detected that you are using an unsupported browser. "DTN" and the degree symbol logo are trademarks of DTN. I purchase honey all the time & use to add with ACV (apple cider vinegar) daily for weight loss. However, most of the honey imported and exported in the market is of low quality because they are fake. By submitting your comment and contact information, you agree to receive marketing emails from Top Class Actions regarding this and/or similar lawsuits or settlements, and/or to be contacted by an attorney or law firm to discuss the details of your potential case at no charge to you if you qualify. I love honey , but this didnt seem right , please add me to your suit, I have some of this stuff, and it has crystallized like sugar, so I doubt if it is real honey, Please add me, i use honey for many things, cooking, in my drinks etc. As a result, it is impossible However, Tran says that there was no reasonable way for her to know the true nature of Sue Bee products as knowledge of its ingredients requires laboratory testing and chemistry not available to the average consumer. Lawsuit alleges with negative health effects always keep at least 1lb container of natural honey in kitchen! Is of low quality because they are fake self-supplying through our own...., direct from the Guardian every morning the number of hives runs deep click here more here https... I, too, have harmed both beekeepers and bees in the process, biocide... For Weight Loss Pills Class lawsuit to trust that label and severely hurting domestic beekeepers and consumers Sue Bee contain... 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