To be awarded to worthy students, with preference given those preparing for a career in the information and library field, or, secondarily, those preparing for a career in the fields of engineering and the sciences. Established by Dr. Kenneth and Marilyn J. Hofstetter, both Class of 1962, in honor of their education at Augustana College. Milford J. Nelson Pre-Dental Scholarship. (October 2017-Present), University of Iowa 200 Hawkins Drive Established by his brother in memory of Professor Spitznas, faculty member in the Department of Geology at Augustana. She was an Augustana Campus nurse in 1955/56. Arthur A. Milton Memorial Scholarship. Paul V. and Jeanne Donstad Olsen Scholarship. Established in 1991 by Dr. Marshall Milnarik, and Bruce M. and Jean Milnarik Turnmire (1969 graduate) in memory of Florence Galvin Milnarik, to provide financial assistance to worthy students, with preference given to students majoring in music education with principal emphasis in voice. Mr. Van Buren was the first geology major at Augustana College, graduating in 1929. To be awarded to full-time students enrolled or planning to enroll at Augustana College. If such applicants are not available, business administration or political science majors will be selected. Awarded to students who have demonstrated commitments to excellence, quality and leadership and who show capacity for college work at a high level of accomplishment. In memory of sisters Andra Czajka and Brenda (Czajka) Barnes and in honor of Brenda's deep and abiding love of Augustana College and its mission to offer a challenging education that develops qualities of mind, spirit and body necessary for a rewarding life of leadership and service in a diverse and changing world. The scholarship is unrestricted. Larson Memorial Scholarship. Raynor valued his Augustana education highly, supporting and advocating for his alma mater throughout his life. David and Lucy Beckstrom Memorial Scholarship. Dr. Ingemar W. and Katherine E. Larson Scholarship-Established by Dr. Ingemar W. Larson, professor emeritus of biology, and his wife, Katherine E. Larson. Established by a gift from the Ford estate. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need with preference given to students from Minnesota. Established by Marion (Class of 1934) and Robert Sorg in recognition of their long time relationship with Augustana. Dr. William B. Conway Scholarship in Economics. Marjorie Baumgarten Burkland Scholarship. The Roy J. Awards to be made to students preparing for the Lutheran ministry who need financial assistance in attaining that goal. | Established by gifts from Ruth E. and Thomas M. Shoemaker. Eck, Class of 1959. Established by Marian P. Nelson Lindvall and C. Mauritz Lindvall in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gustav J. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Lindvall. Established by Dr. (former Professor of Religion) and Mrs. (Augustana graduate) Kenneth Andeen. A bequest by Eva L. Freberg. Dale S. Wahlstrom Memorial Scholarship. Muriel Fick Memorial Scholarship in Music. P. Joann (Womble) Dehring Memorial Scholarship. Roy was a 23-year veteran of the United States Navy. Anne L. and A. Wallace Carlson Family Scholarship. The Westman Family Scholarship. Established by John and Ruth Elliott in memory of her father, a graduate of Augustana Seminary. This fund shall provide financial assistance to full-time students enrolled or planning to enroll at Augustana College with a preference for students from Wisconsin studying elementary education. Established by Don and Martha Sundquist (Classes of 1957 and 1959), in appreciation for education received at Augustana. Ernest and Marilyn Charles Karlstrom Scholarship. To be awarded annually to students with demonstrated academic achievement and financial need. Dr. Raynor N. and Dagmar F. Appell Scholarship. Established through the generosity of Robert and Hazle Spera out of their concern for advancement of the healing arts, both in the animal world and in human society. Roy Carver is a resident of FL. For qualified Augustana College students. Established through an estate plan gift from Janan Effland, Class of 1951 and member of the Augustana faculty from 1967 to 1990. Preference shall be given to students majoring in biology or chemistry with an interest in pursuing a career in the healthcare profession and who maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and have demonstrated financial need. William and Elizabeth Frey Scholarship. Awarded annually with preference given to qualified minority students. Wheelan-Pressly Scholarship. To be awarded annually to sophomore, junior or senior students majoring or minoring in Scandinavian. Johan M. Rydman Memorial Scholarship. Awarded to needy students interested in scientific studies. and Gregory J. Swedo, M.D. Donald J., Louise (Taylor) '53 and Ross '82 Heath Family Scholarship. Donald A. and Frances Slaymaker Johnson Scholarship. Rev. This fund will enable Augustana students, who face the possibility of dropping out of school due to lack of financial resources, to complete their education. George "Pops" Duhlstine Memorial Scholarship. A gift from the Alfhild J. Axelson Trust. The scholarship is unrestricted. Carver Scholarship. This scholarship shall provide financial assistance to full-time students enrolled or planning to enroll at Augustana College who reside in the Quad Cities area. Established by members of the Augustana Web Guild to support future student leaders. Ph. to help fund the educational pursuits of junior or senior students majoring in biology or chemistry. Established by Trevor (Class of 1975) and Margaret Johnson (Class of 1974) Will. To be awarded to worthy students engaged in the study of pipe organ and piano music. A bequest by Albert A. Swanson, Moline, Illinois. Ruby Jo Gustofson Memorial Scholarship. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need. Dr. J.P. Magnusson Memorial Scholarship. Established in memory of Mary E. (Bunny) Scheuerman by her husband Clifford Scheuerman. Established by Charlotte Harvey Coultas, Class of 1941, and her husband, Robert M. Coultas, Class of 1940, in recognition of their Augustana educations. Marian Peterson Memorial Scholarship. James L. Fischer Memorial Scholarship. To be awarded to worthy students with financial need. This chair is a joint appointment in the UI Carver College of Medicine and the UI College of Engineering, the first time a UI-named, endowed chair has been shared by two colleges. Established by a gift from the estate of Dale S. Wahlstrom (Class of 1941). Beta Omega Sigma Academic Leadership Scholarship. Web Privacy Policy Roy J. To provide assistance to worthy students preparing for world mission, serving in some relationship to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Acomb Foundation Scholarship in Art. Eva I. Spurgeon Memorial Scholarship. Established in the memory of Javier Perez '97 in grateful recognition for the education he received at Augustana College. Awards have a preference for students majoring in K-12 education. A gift from Mr. and Mrs. Mauritz W. Johnson in memory of Evelyn L. Johnson, Class of 1953, secretary to the former Dean of the College, Dr. George B. Arbaugh. Awarded to active members of the sorority with the highest grade-point average. The Clarence M. and Margaret Erickson Family Scholarship. To be awarded to Lutheran students with financial need with consideration given to members of Faith Lutheran Church of Glen Ellyn. To be awarded to worthy students attending Augustana College. Arthur E. and Dorothy E. Dahl Leadership Scholarship. Florence M. Ollson Memorial Music Scholarship. Ingrid Johnson Simpson Memorial Scholarship. Through her dedication to the teaching and performance of music, Mrs. Lindberg inspired the love of music in children, youth and adults for nearly 40 years. Established by the Roloff family to be awarded to a senior student who is eligible and qualified for student teaching with a minimum of a 3.3 GPA. Established in memory of Donald Jackson by his wife Jean. Benedict and Donna Zobrist Scholarship. Established by Joanne E. (Milton) Kendall, Class of 1952, and her husband, John. Established by an estate plan gift from Robert V. Sandstrom, Class of 1931. Lowell and Marilyn Bjork Kramme Endowed Scholarship. Anderson Swedo Science Education Scholarship. Breta H. Lindberg Memorial Scholarship. Mrs. Benson was the wife of the last full-time president of the Augustana Lutheran Church, Dr. Oscar Benson. Moline Rotary Endowed Scholarship. Roy Carver Jr. Sep 18, 2013 Sep 18, 2013 Updated Sep 18, 2013; 0 . Alice and Richard Godfrey Scholarship. A gift from the estate of Irene Ochs in memory of her sister, who taught in the Department of Economics at Augustana from 1923 to 1957. Established by Sharon M. Boncosky Dougherty, Class of 1965, in appreciation of her Augustana education. Established on the occasion of the Class of 1951's 50th reunion. Established by Dr. John H. Erickson, Class of1969, in gratitude for his Augustana education and with the desire to assist members of the LGBQ community at the college. Cheryl and Dale Owen Scholarship. Established by John '65 and Christine Anderson '65 Adolphi to honor the continuing work of their daughter, Dr. Natalie Adolphi, class of 1989. Established by Richard and Lorian Sundelius Swanson, both class of 1954. Taylor Ehlers Memorial Scholarship. Funded by the Acomb Foundation to provide assistance to out-standing senior studio art majors for their senior exhibits. Engineering Student Services Evelyn L. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund. Bowman-Swanson Scholarship in English. Mark Scott Johnson Memorial Scholarship. Leroy F. and Helen V. Thummel Scholarship. Established by the Aigner Foundation to benefit students with financial need. A bequest from the William and Sadie R. McPhail Charitable Trust for students residing in Winnebago County or the Northern Illinois area. To be awarded with a preference for Christian students majoring in education. Established with funds from the Roy J. Found 50 colleagues at Carver Pump Company. First preference given to students from Springfield, Illinois, and thereafter students generally. Sorensen. Roy J. Awards may be renewed each year until a master's degree is earned. Barbara A. Johnson Memorial Scholarship. Dr. John H. Erickson Fund. The Class of 1955 Scholarship. DB Base Metals Long ETN due 6/1/2038 - Director . Established by Betsey Brodahl (Class of 1944) in memory of her Aunt Clara. Harriet Borg Scholarship. Awarded to a member in good standing of an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America congregation, who is preparing for a career in teaching (grades K-3) or in service to the ELCA. The Reverend Ralph R. and Marion (Gustafson) Lindquist Memorial Scholarship. Alan W. Sievers Memorial Scholarship. Insider Information. A bequest by Adeline H. Goodman. Dr. C. Leland Horberg Scholarship. To be awarded annually to accounting majors who demonstrate financial need. | The scholarship is unrestricted. Established by members of the Eskritt family to honor the lives of Harry E. and Lenice Merrill Eskritt. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need, with first preference to students majoring in music who have an interest in taking instruction in violin. Lawrence D. Pohlmann Scholarship. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need with preference given to students majoring in education. Established by Karl Zobrist '71 in loving memory of his parents Dr. Benedict K. '47 and Donna Anderson '48 Zobrist, and in thanksgiving for their family's Augustana experiences. Preference will be given to female students. Awarded to deserving students on the basis of academic achievement and financial need. To be awarded annually to a worthy student with financial need. Awarded to currently enrolled students. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need, with first consideration to students majoring in history or the fine arts. Fridhem Lodge Scholarship. The Raymond and Judith Preissner Scholarship. To be awarded to students with financial need, with preference given to students who are majoring in education. Funds will primarily be used to match qualifying congregational grants to students, and also to provide assistance to other worthy students with financial need. Established by a bequest from Myrtle M. Olson honoring her father, a clergyman, to provide annual awards to students, with preference given to those preparing for the ministry. Awarded with preference given to students majoring in sociology or political science. Established by Alvin Walgren (Class of 1936). To be awarded on the basis of financial need with preference given to those studying or intending to study music and further preference given to those studying or intending to study piano. Alumni Scholarship. To be awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need. Awarded annually with preference given to students majoring in the humanities. Established by Ronald B. Anderson '56 in appreciation for his Augustana experience. In addition, scholarship recipients must be involved in at least one extra-curricular activity and maintain a 2.5 grade-point average on a 4.0 grading scale. Established by Dr. Robert E. Fryxell, a 1944 graduate of Augustana. The Reverend G. Sigfrid and Minnie E. Swensson Memorial Scholarship. Established through gifts from Harlan and Edna Heitzman and their family. August W. Kjellstrand Memorial Scholarship Fund. Granted by the Chicago Chapter of the American Daughters of Sweden, and awarded to young women of Swedish descent and high scholastic achievement who will takeup work in the Swedish language and/or literature in the Scandinavian Department. Established in memory of Dr. Knut E. Erickson, vice president and treasurer of the college from 1939 to 1961. Established through gifts from family and friends in memory of Jane Anderson Lindberg (Class of 1956). A bequest from the estate of Miss Merry Loring. Ralph and Gertrude (Roth) Morgan Scholarship in Music. Andersen Foundation Scholarship. Annual awards are to be made on the recommendation of the Department of Business Administration. Established by family and friends of Glenn W. Appleton (a 1946 graduate of Augustana). To be awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need, with preference given to students majoring in the fields of music or science. To be awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need. The Reverend Dr. andMrs. Edwin Munson Memorial Scholarship. William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship. Established by the estate of Stanley and Bernice Harris. The Eli William Roderick Memorial Scholarship. Established by a gift of life insurance from the Rev. Established by family and friends in memory of these Augustana graduates (Classes of 1943 and 1944). Clara Erickson Beckman Memorial Scholarship Established by family and friends to honor the lives of Karl Martin "Marty" Sandway, Class of 1964, and Beulah Sandway Whyte, Class of 1965. If there are no such students in a given year, the scholarship shall be awarded to music students. Thomas played football at Augustana, and was inducted into the Tribe of Vikings Hall of Fame in 1982. To be awarded annually to Lutheran students with financial need, consideration to be given to members of St. Mark's Lutheran Church of Washington. Established by family and friends. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Established by members of the Class of 2003 through a senior class pledge program. Awarded to geology majors. Funded by the consolidation of scholarships created by organizations of the former Augustana Lutheran Church and Lutheran Church in America. Judge Robert J. Horberg Memorial Scholarship. Established by Chris and Laura Seyfarth to provide assistance to female students majoring in accounting who have demonstrated financial need. Established by members of the Class of 2000 through a senior class pledge program. Carl, Lucile and Richard Fryxell Scholarship. Carver Fellowship | Computer Science | UIUC Skip To Content (Alt+0) Alumni Corporate People My.CS University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Grainger College of Engineering Computer Science About Admissions Academics Research News Student Life Broadening Participation Give Cookie Notice To be awarded to worthy students who demonstrate financial need. The recipient will also be a sophomore, junior or senior with a solid record of academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. Established by Teresa B. Kamphaus, Class of 1983, in recognition of her loving parents Elmer and Beatrice Burtard who sacrificed so much in order for Teresa to have the Augustana experience. Established by family and friends in memory of Arthur Anderson Milton, who for a number of years served on the college faculty. To be awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need. Brown Family Scholarship. Established by Lyle and Jean (Hubbell) Peterson in memory of her grandparents. Ralph R. and Marion Gustafson Lindquist of St. Paul, Minnesota. Vera J. Spencer Memorial Scholarship. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need, with preference given to students majoring in biology or English. There are 15 other people named Roy J. Harold E. and Louise Lage Swanson Scholarship. Established with an estate gift from this friend of Augustana College. Honors an alumnus, '56, who was a professor at Washington State University until his accidental death on May 18, 1974 . Reynold and Betty Holmen Scholarship. This Fund shall provide financial assistance to full-time students enrolled at Augustana College, with preference given to seniors in a pre-seminary track, or those senior students who are majoring in geology. Awards are restricted to juniors or seniors majoring or minoring in music. He was 71 years old. Unrestricted. Established by a bequest from the estate of Ina M. Banks. Awarded to students enrolled in a program of professional career preparation, preferably law, medicine or ministry. The Class of 1970 Scholarship. Established by Donald (Class of 1955) and Juliann Simpson (Class of 1958) Roos, in memory of her parents. Awarded to a student of piano. It is the intent of the donors that this scholarship be awarded to students for whom financial aid is essential in order to permit their attending Augustana College. Preference will be given to outstanding students who plan on pursuing careers in scientific research or medicine. Established by Gail Richard '76, in recognition of her Augustana education. Established by Dr. Richard D. Retz, Class of 1958, and Dr. Konrad C. Retz, Class of 1974, in honor of their parents. Jane Anderson Lindberg Scholarship. Established on the occasion of the Class of 1982's 10th reunion. This fund shall be administered by faculty within the geology department, and recipients must be among the most deserving students within the department. Established by Ann Louise Krug, family and friends. Established by an estate gift from Lydia L. Anderson (Class of 1923) in the memory of her father (Class of 1888). Awarded to students who have demonstrated commitments to excellence, quality and leadership and who show capacity for college work at a high level of accomplishment. Ability, aptitude and dedication to a career as a pastor are to be considered in granting the award. Florence Watson Johnson Scholarship. Carol A. Nolte Scholarship. Omron Foundation Scholarship in Engineering. Carl B. Nelson Memorial Scholarship. Gerald Carlson to be honored with Distinguished Service Award from the Roy J. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need, with first consideration to students majoring in education with plans to teach in elementary schools. Established by the Ryden children in memory of their parents. Established by members of the Class of 2004 through a senior class pledge program. Established through the generosity of Western Chance, Inc. To be awarded annually to students who are residents of the Quad Cities. Carl August Bergendoff Scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to students who are studying voice. Established by Robert Wheelan and Steven Pressly. The recipient should engage in meaningful research resulting in a paper, poster or project. It is to be awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement with a preference for students of underrepresented populations who are majoring or planning to major in education. Established by Keith and Eileen Carpenter in memory of Chad Meyer, former Augustana professor of speech communication. Charles Edward Borg Memorial Scholarship. Given in memory of Rutcherd and Marie Johnson by their children and friends. Candidates recommended by the Department of Speech Communication. Annual awards are unrestricted, with first consideration given to chemistry majors. Through this scholarship the Tingle family honors their parents' Augustana heritage and encourages Rock Island students experience the life-changing gift of an Augustana education. Dr. Leroy Liljedahl and Eleanor Liljedahl Snyder Memorial Scholarship. Established through gifts from Harriet S. Olson. Established by alumni of the Delta Omega Nu fraternity. 4 of 6 documents 1 of 6 documents View all. The Fund shall provide financial assistance to full-time students enrolled or planning to enroll at Augustana College, to be awarded annually to an outstanding student majoring or minoring in Education and who demonstrates academic ability (3.0 on a 4.0 scale). Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences To be awarded to worthy students on the basis of academic achievement and financial need. Established by friends and family of Scott Elsberg (Class of 1980). Zachary and Kristin Larson Scholarship. Lavina and Lyle Schlaf Scholarship. Shelby Olson '79 Endowed Scholarship. Established with funds from the Roy J. Established in honor of our parents, in memory of our grandparents, and in thankful celebration of Christian family values. Mr. Frederick and Rachel Hansen Memorial Scholarship. To be awarded to students with financial need, with preference given to students studying religion and /or history, especially those students who are interested in the ministry or college teaching and who have plans to attend seminary or graduate school. ROY J. To be awarded annually to a worthy student with financial need. Awarded annually to junior and senior music majors concentrating in voice. Arthur Anderson Milton Memorial Scholarship. Established by family and friends of David Berquist (a member of the Class of 1917) and his wife. Established by gifts from Donald and Louise Heath (Class of 1953). C. Theodore and Linnea Johnston Scholarship. Established by Douglas B. Reeves in honor of his parents, Jean Brooks Reeves '46 and Lois Juliana Johnson Reeves '44, and in recognition of the life-changing impact of their Augustana education. Awarded to students with need who are preparing for service in the Lutheran Church. Potter, Jr. Initiated through gifts of the Augustana faculty and staff in the spring of 1962, honoring Dr. Conrad Bergendoff, president of Augustana College from 1935 to 1962. 639 38th Street Scholarship. Preference given to students with financial need who live at home and reside in the geographic local area. Established through the estate of Oliver E. Peterson. The Class of 1962 Scholarship. Established by Amy Helpenstell (Class of 1992). To be awarded to a worthy music student. To be awarded to students majoring in elementary education, with preference given to students from outside the states of Illinois and Iowa. This fund shall provide financial assistance to full-time students enrolled or planning to enroll at Augustana College with a preference for a student pursuing a major in engineering. Potter and J.W. Established by Frank, Class of 1939 and Carla, Class of 1950, Telleen. Established by family members and awarded annually to an outstanding student who demonstrates academic ability (3.25 on a 4.0 scale) and is in need of financial assistance. Erwin Weber Scholarship Fund. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need. Patricia Grimm Scholarship. To be awarded to worthy students with financial need. If there are no such students in a given year, the income shall be used that year to provide financial assistance to Augustana students attending Augustana's Summer School in Sweden program. Established by Kay (Class of 1965) and John (Class of 1960) Bengston in honor of the ELCA Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs' advocacy efforts with and on behalf of low-income and vulnerable people. Carver Jr and Carver Pump Company, as well as people who work for similar businesses nearby, colleagues for other branches, and more people with a similar name. This Fund shall provide financial assistance to full-time students enrolled or planning to enroll at Augustana College, who are majoring in a health or wellness field and involved in music performance with piano and/or pipe organ lessons on the Augustana College campus preferred. The scholarship is to be awarded based on financial need with preference given to students enrolling at Augustana College and majoring in Accounting. Established by former students and friends of Dr. Naeseth, a member of the English Department faculty from 1934 to 1969. To honor the lives of Harry E. and Thomas M. 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