ConfigMgr: 1602 for Microsoft passport and Windows Hello (Hybrid Intune) Windows 10 client: V1511 10586.104. It is now expired and a new sign in request must be sent by the SPA to the sign in page. The refresh token has expired or is invalid due to sign-in frequency checks by conditional access. PasswordChangeOnPremisesConnectivityFailure, PasswordChangeOnPremUserAccountLockedOutOrDisabled, PasswordChangePasswordDoesnotComplyFuzzyPolicy. So if the successfully registered down-level Windows device is treated by Azure AD CA policy as not registered, most likely something (firewall/proxy) is messing up with that attempt of the device authentication. InvalidUserCode - The user code is null or empty. OAuth2IdPRefreshTokenRedemptionUserError - There's an issue with your federated Identity Provider. This account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Invalid or null password: password doesn't exist in the directory for this user. Try again. MissingCustomSigningKey - This app is required to be configured with an app-specific signing key. You n Once I have an administrator account and a user account setup on a Win 10 Pro non-domain connect computer. In this example, it is S-1-5-21-299502267-1950408961-849522115-1818. Received a {invalid_verb} request. This can be due to developer error, or due to users pressing the back button in their browser, triggering a bad request. thanks a lot. Authentication failed due to flow token expired. BlockedByConditionalAccessOnSecurityPolicy - The tenant admin has configured a security policy that blocks this request. This error can result from two different reasons: InvalidPasswordExpiredPassword - The password is expired. Http request status: 500. SubjectMismatchesIssuer - Subject mismatches Issuer claim in the client assertion. Try signing in again. Provided value for the input parameter scope can't be empty when requesting an access token using the provided authorization code. ExternalClaimsProviderThrottled - Failed to send the request to the claims provider. AdminConsentRequired - Administrator consent is required. Azure AD Conditional Access policies troubleshooting Device State: Unregistered,,,,, RSA SecurID Access SAML Configuration for Microsoft Office 365 issue AADSTS50008: Unable to verify token signature. Contact your IDP to resolve this issue. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. In the AAD operational log there are always 2 errors 1104 related to "AAd Cloud AP plugin call GenericCallPkg returned error: 0xC0048512". Have the user enter their credentials then the Enrollment Status Page can OrgIdWsFederationMessageInvalid - An error occurred when the service tried to process a WS-Federation message. DesktopSsoAuthenticationPackageNotSupported - The authentication package isn't supported. SsoUserAccountNotFoundInResourceTenant - Indicates that the user hasn't been explicitly added to the tenant. SessionMissingMsaOAuth2RefreshToken - The session is invalid due to a missing external refresh token. Authorization isn't approved. If any of these two parts (user or device) didnt pass the authentication step, no Azure AD PRT will be issued. - The issue here is because there was something wrong with the request to a certain endpoint. Check if the computer object is in the sync scope of Azure AD Connect; To get more clues about user portion of the Azure AD PRT receive process, its recommended to review the following Windows 10 logs . Source: Microsoft-Windows-AAD AuthorizationPending - OAuth 2.0 device flow error. ChromeBrowserSsoInterruptRequired - The client is capable of obtaining an SSO token through the Windows 10 Accounts extension, but the token was not found in the request or the supplied token was expired. Sign out and sign in with a different Azure AD user account. > AAD Cloud AP plugin call GenericCallPkg returned error: 0xC000008A. Device indeed is not hybrid Azure AD joined; Local registration state of the computer doesnt match the records in Azure AD: Azure AD computer object was deleted by Global Admin via portal or PowerShell; Computer was moved out of Azure AD Connect sync scope and was removed from Azure AD by Azure AD Connect; Some services modified the Azure AD computer object and deleted the AlternativeSecurityIds attribute from Azure AD Computer object); CloudAP plugging is not able to authenticate on behalf of the user to get Azure AD access token: If the user is federated, the on premises STS is not reachable or STS do not have WS-Trust endpoint enabled (yes, WS-Trust is still required for Azure AD PRT flow and optional for Windows 1803 and newer registration flow) (for AD FS the WS-Trust endpoint is adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed). Have the user sign in again. UnsupportedResponseMode - The app returned an unsupported value of. > Error: 0x4AA50081 An application specific account is loading in cloud joined session. GraphUserUnauthorized - Graph returned with a forbidden error code for the request. MalformedDiscoveryRequest - The request is malformed. Device used during the authentication is disabled. An application may have chosen the wrong tenant to sign into, and the currently logged in user was prevented from doing so since they did not exist in your tenant. Thanks I found the following log: microsoft-windows-aad-operational in which i found an ERROR: AAD Cloud AP plugin call GenericCallPkg returned error: 0xC0048512 Still i cant find any information to what this means. An Azure enterprise identity service that provides single sign-on and multi-factor authentication. Error codes are subject to change at any time in order to provide more granular error messages that are intended to help the developer while building their application. AADSTS901002: The 'resource' request parameter isn't supported. The request body must contain the following parameter: '{name}'. The client application might explain to the user that its response is delayed because of a temporary condition. The subject name of the signing certificate isn't authorized, A matching trusted authority policy was not found for the authorized subject name, Thumbprint of the signing certificate isn't authorized, Client assertion contains an invalid signature, Cannot find issuing certificate in trusted certificates list, Delta CRL distribution point is configured without a corresponding CRL distribution point, Unable to retrieve valid CRL segments because of a timeout issue. Does this user get AAD PRT when signing in other station? Logon failure. This error prevents them from impersonating a Microsoft application to call other APIs. I followed Opens a new windowto remove it and restarted. Because this is an "interaction_required" error, the client should do interactive auth. Contact your IDP to resolve this issue. > Http request status: 400. Application error - the developer will handle this error. InvalidSessionId - Bad request. To fix, the application administrator updates the credentials. Or, the admin has not consented in the tenant. Not sure if the host file would be a solution, as the WAP is after a LB. Or, check the application identifier in the request to ensure it matches the configured client application identifier. You might have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant. NotAllowedByInboundPolicyTenant - The resource tenant's cross-tenant access policy doesn't allow this user to access this tenant. Have a question or can't find what you're looking for? Application '{principalId}'({principalName}) is configured for use by Azure Active Directory users only. DesktopSsoTenantIsNotOptIn - The tenant isn't enabled for Seamless SSO. > AAD Cloud AP plugin call Lookup name name from SID returned error: 0xC00485D3 Please assist. Hi, I have my Windows 10 surface pro 3 azure ad joined and use my Azure AD credential to login. Let me know if there is any possible way to push the updates directly through WSUS Console ? An application likely chose the wrong tenant to sign into, and the currently logged in user was prevented from doing so since they did not exist in your tenant. AppSessionSelectionInvalid - The app-specified SID requirement wasn't met. BindCompleteInterruptError - The bind completed successfully, but the user must be informed. Having enabled Hybrid Azure AD device join through the AD Connect Wizard (Seamless SSO and hash sync, no ADFS) and having deployed GPs I am seeing the following in the AAD event log. "AAD Cloud AP plugin call GenericCallPkg returned error" and 0xc0048512 When looking at this event, you are probably looking at an error while acquiring the Token for the local user and not the user you have issues with so you can skip this one. Windows 10 relies on a new Authentication Provider component (similar to the Kerberos AP but for the cloud) to obtain an SSO token (Primary Refresh Token or PRT) from Azure AD (or AD FS in WS2016). Please contact your admin to fix the configuration or consent on behalf of the tenant. Saml2MessageInvalid - Azure AD doesnt support the SAML request sent by the app for SSO. Method: GET Endpoint Uri: Correlation ID: xxxxx AAD Cloud AP plugin call Lookup name name from SID returned error: 0xC00485D3 UnsupportedBindingError - The app returned an error related to unsupported binding (SAML protocol response can't be sent via bindings other than HTTP POST). The refresh token isn't valid. Logged at clientcache.cpp, line: 291, method: ClientCache::LoadPrimaryAccount. Invalid domain name - No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials. Contact the tenant admin. > Trace ID: Check the agent logs for more info and verify that Active Directory is operating as expected. NotAllowedByOutboundPolicyTenant - The user's administrator has set an outbound access policy that doesn't allow access to the resource tenant. ExternalServerRetryableError - The service is temporarily unavailable. Contact your IDP to resolve this issue. SubjectNames/SubjectAlternativeNames (up to 10) in token certificate are: {certificateSubjects}. ViralUserLegalAgeConsentRequiredState - The user requires legal age group consent. To learn more, see the troubleshooting article for error. Error: 0x4AA50081 An application specific account is loading in cloud joined session. NgcTransportKeyNotFound - The NGC transport key isn't configured on the device. . For the most current info, take a look at the page to find AADSTS error descriptions, fixes, and some suggested workarounds. Status: 0xC0090016 Correlation ID most likely the device has lost access to the device and transport keys (TPM corruption check with the hardware vendor if the new firmware is available), or image used for VDI was HAADJ (not recommended by public documents)). Have user try signing-in again with username -password. This exception is thrown for blocked tenants. ExternalChallengeNotSupportedForPassthroughUsers - External challenge isn't supported for passthroughusers. > Correlation ID: SelectUserAccount - This is an interrupt thrown by Azure AD, which results in UI that allows the user to select from among multiple valid SSO sessions. Retry the request. This type of error should occur only during development and be detected during initial testing. In simple words, if the Cloud AP plugin is able to authenticate on behalf of the user (UPN and password or Windows Hello for Business PIN) to get the Azure AD access token and device is able to authenticate to Azure AD using the device registration state (MS-Organization-Access certificate) the Azure AD PRT will be issued to the user. Check with the developers of the resource and application to understand what the right setup for your tenant is. Make sure that Active Directory is available and responding to requests from the agents. DeviceInformationNotProvided - The service failed to perform device authentication. AAD Cloud AP plugin call GenericCallPkg returned error: 0xC0048512 most likely you are looking at the token acquisition events for the local account, that are not related to the sign ins of the user you are trying to troubleshoot. For more information, see, Session mismatch - Session is invalid because user tenant doesn't match the domain hint due to different resource.. Logged at clientcache.cpp, line: 291, method: ClientCache::LoadPrimaryAccount. Contact your federation provider. For example, id6c1c178c166d486687be4aaf5e482730 is a valid ID. InvalidUserInput - The input from the user isn't valid. ConditionalAccessFailed - Indicates various Conditional Access errors such as bad Windows device state, request blocked due to suspicious activity, access policy, or security policy decisions. When triggered, this error allows the user to recover by picking from an updated list of tiles/sessions, or by choosing another account. Want to Learn more about new platform: Q&A Getting Started, MDM Device is not syncing after enrolling using Azure AD MDM enrollment. > not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. In the AAD operational log there are always 2 errors 1104 related to "AAd Cloud AP plugin call GenericCallPkg returned error: 0xC0048512". NotAllowedTenant - Sign-in failed because of a restricted proxy access on the tenant. RequestIssueTimeExpired - IssueTime in an SAML2 Authentication Request is expired. A cloud redirect error is returned. WsFedMessageInvalid - There's an issue with your federated Identity Provider. The user's password is expired, and therefore their login or session was ended. AAD Cloud AP plugin call GenericCallPkg returned error: 0xC0048512 - most likely you are looking at the token acquisition events for the local account, that are not related to the sign ins of the user you are trying to troubleshoot. Assign the user to the app. > Logged at ClientCache.cpp, line: 374, method: ClientCache::LoadPrimaryAccount. EntitlementGrantsNotFound - The signed in user isn't assigned to a role for the signed in app. Check the apps logic to ensure that token caching is implemented, and that error conditions are handled correctly. Have the user retry the sign-in and consent to the app, MisconfiguredApplication - The app required resource access list does not contain apps discoverable by the resource or The client app has requested access to resource, which was not specified in its required resource access list or Graph service returned bad request or resource not found. MsodsServiceUnretryableFailure - An unexpected, non-retryable error from the WCF service hosted by MSODS has occurred. SignoutInvalidRequest - Unable to complete sign out. -Delete Ms-Organization* Certificates under LocalMachine/Personal Store Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. When you receive this status, follow the location header associated with the response. HI Sergii, thanks for this very helpful article Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. This is a common error that's expected when a user is unauthenticated and has not yet signed in.If this error is encountered in an SSO context where the user has previously signed in, this means that the SSO session was either not found or invalid.This error may be returned to the application if prompt=none is specified. AAD Cloud AP plugin call GenericCallPkg returned error: 0xC0048512 In the Eventlog -> Applications and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> User Device Registration -> Admin The registration status has been successfully flushed to disk. As explained in this blog the Azure AD Primary Refresh Token (Azure AD PRT) is used during Azure AD CA policies evaluation to get the information about Windows 10 device registration state. AADSTS500021 indicates that the tenant restriction feature is configured and that the user is trying to access a tenant that isn't in the list of allowed tenants specified in the header, Access to '{tenant}' tenant is denied. ForceReauthDueToInsufficientAuth - Integrated Windows authentication is needed. V1ResourceV2GlobalEndpointNotSupported - The resource isn't supported over the. UserAccountSelectionInvalid - You'll see this error if the user selects on a tile that the session select logic has rejected. The client has requested access to a resource which isn't listed in the requested permissions in the client's application registration. Developer error - the app is attempting to sign in without the necessary or correct authentication parameters. He stopped receiving PRT for any of his devices since on VPN, but I tried today on a VDI which is on the intranet with no success GraphRetryableError - The service is temporarily unavailable. Thanks, Nigel MissingCodeChallenge - The size of the code challenge parameter isn't valid. Windows 10 OS version 1809 the Azure AD PRT info is stored in the SSO State section: | SSO State |, AzureAdPrtUpdateTime : 2019-04-03 17:25:24.000 UTC, AzureAdPrtExpiryTime : 2019-04-17 21:25:54.000 UTC, AzureAdPrtAuthority : 5. This occurs because a system webview has been used to request a token for a native application - the user must be prompted to ask if this was actually the app they meant to sign into. GuestUserInPendingState - The user account doesnt exist in the directory. NationalCloudAuthCodeRedirection - The feature is disabled. For further information, please visit. TenantThrottlingError - There are too many incoming requests. When I RDP onto the Virtual desktop from a standard VM using a local admin account I can see the Event logs under Windows-AAD-Operations with event ID 1104: AAD Cloud AP plugin call Lookup name name from SID returned error: 0xC00485D3 . Try again. Invalid resource. Logged at clientcache.cpp, line: 291, method: ClientCache::LoadPrimaryAccount. 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aad cloud ap plugin call genericcallpkg returned error: 0xc0048512