The truths we deny always find their way to the surface. Both or one of you may not be in control of your emotions and are causing havoc out of nothing. Those who choose to battle with insults and taunts dont affect you, and furthermore, do not deserve to be acknowledged by you. The High Priestess Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees you, The High Priestess Reversed as How Someone (He/She) Sees You. They see that you take care of them, you are mindful of their feelings and their boundaries. - Ace of wands is about enthusiasm for that person, you would inspire that person, they would have confidence in you and you would have confidence in them. To enter the mystical world, one has to be adequately prepared, for theres no greater benefit in life than knowledge and wisdom. It is a bond that words fail to describe. You may have guessed wrong, or your question may be misplaced. You may not be able to always decipher your intuition correctly. Thatswhy you should take a step back and observe from a distance. The High Priestess card points to a quiet, mystical and ancient place, like a shrine or a secluded temple. More or less agree with your assessment. Someone who is knowledgeable in one way or another, who can make mature decisions. A psychic will see the tarot cards in a symbiotic relationship with one another, never try to read them one by one, but the whole drawing as a whole. It could be a sign of moral reservations, shame, and holding back from what they want. In a friendship reading, the High Priestess denotes a wise and loving friend. All you got to do is have patience and faith! It means that you may get the opportunity you wanted but in an unexpected way. Her virtue is, as weve already established, patience. But a message of patience does not invite others to tread all over you. Representing the ability to learn, teach, and nurture, she fosters understanding and harmony. Your presence is calming, and they feel that they can finally be still when you are together. If someone sees you as the Sun then hurray! That is the way of least interference. A reversed High Priestess can also mean that you have been silencing your inner voice. She stands for perfection, fairness, truth, the law, and decisions made with a sharp and balanced mind. Ask unlimited questions. The High Priestess is a fantastic card to receive when asking how another person sees you. Colored black and white, they hint at the coexistence of opposites, and the notion that one must accept and know the dual nature of all things to enter this sacred space. The High Priestess would remind you that a work environment can turn toxic pretty soon because careers, jobs, and money are on the line. "We can talk about your problems for 20 minutes but then I really need to go" and, over the longer term, try to establish what it is that keeps you as their friend. The High Priestess upright speaks of the hidden and mystical. When she does speak, its to advise you for the best. What does the High Priestess Tarot Card mean in Conflict? So, in case you are wondering how a person sees you and you get this card reversed, you may seem superficial, rigid, and out of their reach. It can also refer to libraries, studies, secret rooms, and the workspace of someone who practices divination and witchcraft. There is also the possibility that youre not seeing whats going on beneath the surface, focusing on superficial trivialities. Look within. It is the deafening silence of isolation when we lose our genuine connection to the world. If you notice the situation shifting, you should consider if it is worth it getting into conflicts, or if you need to ignore your colleagues petty fights and keep your eyes on the prize, which may be the experience, the promotion, or the income. Taking into account, there are 78 tarot cards in a deck. Her knowledge and her wisdom are as old as the Earth itself. Theres no shame in admitting a mistake, as long as you find the goodwill to make things right and recover. Firstly, The High Priestess is a card of intuition. The High Priestess appears as an obstacle in the form of a cold and distant maternal figure who smothers her child by being overprotective. Think about whether you are projecting your true self in your daily life or if you are casting illusions, hiding your face with a calm yet cold and unreal mask. She will most likely represent the woman of interest or the seeker if she is a woman. Of course, shes always associated with books and the writing process. There may be two opposing feelings that are building up and have not surfaced yet. They can envision themselves growing old with you and maybe starting a family. You are not supposed to know when something is going to happen. - Page of wands is a bit immature, as all wands; - a hot temper, fiery, passionate, go-getter wham-bham here-today gone tomorrow 'Right Now' attitude; - as someone who's incapable of keeping her fire in check, i.e., hot-tempered; - Feelings suggested are probably very intense and warm toward you; - you have the potential to be loving and kind. It can be regarding opportunities or solving a situation at work. If it is a question about the timing of an event and you pull The High Priestess, it indicates that the timing is hidden. A person who is close to you may behave in a cold and strict way, giving you the silent treatment, and leaving you to wonder what you did wrong. Confucius said that silence is a true friend who never betrays. Each day has something new to teach you if look closely enough. The Swords Suit has a reputation for being a negative suit. Facebook Pinterest, Relaxing Sounds Tarot Cards Angel Numbers Archangels. They may seem harmless, but when you look into their eyes they can see right through you, know all of your secrets. What does the High Priestess Reversed mean in a Love or Relationship Reading? In the negative sense of the High Priestess, we see a cold mother who refuses to let her child reach adulthood, smothers its dreams with her rigidity, and hides the beauty of the world from its eyes. In a reverse position, The High Priestess would mean precisely the opposite of its core qualities, bringing in the drawing: There are also spreads where the tarot cards pulled are placed on vertical as well as horizontal positions. Vekke Sind, The Empress Tarot Card 35 Interpretations! Have you ever wanted the sound of the ocean splashing in the background as you work at your desk, or cook dinner in the kitchen? This is a pause for reflection. If that be the case, consider the complications and consequences of wanting such a relationship. It is their intuition that allows them to see with clarity beyond the surface, and when somethings wrong, they are the first to know. Id love to hear about your experience. You dont want to be trapped between notions of right and wrong, pride and shame, or other mental objects that are of no help at all. It has 6 sound options including Thunder, the sound of the Ocean, a summer night, rain and white noise. It does not mean that dark times do not catch up with you, but you know how to emerge out of it and how to maintain your calm in the middle of the storm. One Card Readings are for when you need a fast, straight to the point answer. You will never truly know a person who is like the shadow of the High Priestess because they will never let you get too close. She stands for things yet to be discovered in your life, and thus the answer to your question is unclear. You could find them in a tidy house, reading a good book, having a hot cup of coffee, and waiting for their faithful lover while a jazz record is playing in the background. Or it can be the querents doubts and anxieties that silence their inner voice, making them unable to participate, a motionless statue, an observer stuck between two worlds. Shes admired for her talents, her intuition, and her steadfast, albeit introvert character. There arent enough clues to be quite sure as to what kind of place the reversed High Priestess might represent. After the active and keen Magician, the High Priestess is waiting patiently, passive and receptive, to prepare for the joyous, life-giving burst of energy represented by the Empress. They may have a secret plan or agenda, or they simply cannot decide for themselves. Another way to interpret this card in reverse would be a compulsive curiosity to know others secrets and peek behind the curtain, so to say. They do not feel like they have to always take action and find the next distraction. By observing from a distance and not interfering, she allows the natural course of events to unfold. The answers will appear when you will have accepted yourself completely. Now more than ever, it is time to have faith and let go of the illusion. And there are three ships coming back into the harbor. When reversed, this card deals with the denial of certain aspects of you. The two sides of all creation may clash in conflict and confusion but they are complementary to each other, and together they form a greater picture. This card is mystical, intriguing, spiritual, and feminine all in one. It`s also nice having the Himalayan salt Lamp on in the background with my Crystal Tree of Life next to it. Please connect with me, after youve had a reading. Some people, perhaps an unfortunate majority, like the glamour and newsworthiness of intensity and emotional instability, and it is true that someone in an emotionally stable relationship has no dramas to workshop with her friends over a coffee, so perhaps she's boring - to others. It refers to falling in love with the idea of love itself, or to the desire of the forbidden, that which we cannot have. Maybe you have to acquire important knowledge and information before making a move forward. Depending on the state of your relationship, they may come with a marriage proposal . Do research, if necessary, and stay strong and focused. Feelings can overwhelm us to a point where we can neither describe nor control them. They aspire to be creative and enjoy the little things in life, always seeking stability and a beautiful stillness, like that of an old photo. The High Priestess Tarot Card as How Someone Thinks of You, The High Priestess Reversed as How Someone Thinks of You, The High Priestess Tarot Card as Feelings, The High Priestess Tarot Card as a Situation, The High Priestess Reversed as a Situation, The High Priestess Tarot Card as Intention / What Someone Wants, The High Priestess Reversed as Intentions / What Someone Wants. If it is your partners behavior driving you crazy, then you need to break it off. Your heart will know the answer. Because the High Priestess is so mystical, the answers from this card can be shadowy and hard to understand. Youre deeply in love, but you shouldnt forget to care for yourself. She suggests careful consideration and reflection before deciding to make any kind of move. The answers we are looking for can only be found within. In this case, it could indicate that you may not be finding yourself in your job, or you lack all the information you need to make a decision. You have waited long enough, and it is time for absolution. The scroll of Divine Law becomes a list of arbitrary proclamations, shallow morality, and inflexible, selfish rules. She crafts meaningful bonds with the people who surround her and would go to great lengths to support them. Its also a sign for students that theyre on the right track. They admire your ability to speak the truth. You read the cards wrong peeked where you were not supposed to or were too anxious to get results. One who knows how to listen and thus allows the true self to emerge, a considerate friend who will not inappropriately chatter about themselves to steal the others thunder. Maybe youll read an interesting book, meet a mysterious person who embodies the traits of the Priestess, or start meditating and just let go of all the stress! For now, enjoy the calm and quiet of your home, a moment of appreciation and inner balance. In reverse, the High Priestess withdraws from the world because of disappointment, avoidance, and even self-contempt. The best part is that the path was always there, just hiddenprecisely the philosophy of the High Priestess card. Meditation, Spirituality and Conscious Living. The Moon Reversed as How Someone (He/She) Sees You. Loneliness and frustration, giving up on yourself and blindly trusting others, or simply being silent in a time when your voice needs to be heard; the negative aspects of the High Priestess define a state of mind where uncertainty, doubt, and passivity have taken the place of wisdom and enlightenment. The High Priestess most likely brings good news about your future. In other words, she has mastered the virtues of patience and meditation. . Remember that someone with the High Priestess qualities wouldnt even ask such a simple question. He has the ability to attain great heights, provided that he puts his mind into it. The Knight of Swords upright is seen as a powerful, impressive youth, full of energy and courage. Theyre feelings, not concepts or ideas. Table of Contents 1 The High Priestess Meaning 1.1 Upright Position 1.2 Reverse Position 1.3 Horizontal Position 2 The High Priestess - One card pull [Yes or No] They know not to lie to you or try to manipulate you. I would expect that he sees you as someone who presents herself as if her life were put together. The High Priestess and the Hierophant. Regarding finances, it may indicate that you are going to make a financial mistake. He/she has a girlfriend/boyfriend and because of your flirting/politeness, he/she thinks you looking to cause some trouble in his relationship; - I would say that he is feeling a bit defeated at the moment and he wants the pick me up or the boost that you give him. While they may even adore you with reverence and devotion, they may be somewhat reserved towards you because of your mysterious aura. It may leave you confused and lead you to create conflicts at work. The High Priestess, in reverse, is a sign that you need to talk to someone about your inner world! The Priestess card always represents honest, true feelings. We also have to accept that all people change in time, and too often things are not what they seem. Sometimes her words may sound harsh or evoke tension because the truth is not always easy to accept. Meditation, reflection, and listening to your intuition are the only ways to find what you are searching for because deep down inside you already know the answers to your questions. When the High Priestess is drawn for your short-term future, you can sit back and relax! She represents unconditional love and wanting whats best for the other. How to shuffle your Tarot cards. Concerning friends and family, the High Priestess brings very positive energy, caring, and affection. They are already thinking about how to take your relationship to the next level. You need to understand what you value most, the relationship, or you being right because, in a moment of anger, you may say things you do not want to achieve. The root of these behaviors could be jealousy or simply a lack of prudence and consideration on the other persons behalf. You may have disappointed them and theyve misread your calm and quiet character as bleak indifference. When someone thinks of you as the High Priestess, they consider you to be wise, intuitive, and mysterious. The High Priestess is seen as a beautiful, balanced person with profound knowledge of life. Such a person wants to attain perfect knowledge of themselves and the world they live in, develop their intuition, and have a stable routine. However, what they desire most is, perhaps, mental clarity and living a meaningful, personal life. You shuffle the cards, then choose only One Card, or you read the One Card that falls out while you are shuffling. It could just as well refer to a person who is confused and doesnt know what they want. How will you become a complete being if you dont accept that we all make mistakes, but we also have great potential for wisdom and greatness? In their attempt to justify their destructive patterns, they will find problems everywhere and often say hurtful things to establish their sense of superiority and false righteousness. To believe in a better future, first, you have to believe in yourself. The High Priestess is the guardian of your intuition, indicating that it can be a powerful indicator that you will need to trust your feelings when it comes to love and romance. It is a tricky situation that you may want to avoid. Shes the divine feminine guarding the threshold between two worlds; light and darkness, spirit and flesh. You lack structure and understanding in your relationship. The High Priestess would foretell a day when you may feel more objective than usual, not wanting to participate in any situation and maintaining your inner balance in the face of adversary. This leads me to wonder if you leave him in hopes that by leaving, you're going to make him change in ways that you want him to change. And the veil does not conceal and protect anymore; it merely prohibits. When reversed, this card implies mental and spiritual dissonance. The conscious mind can interfere with intuition when the thoughts and urges find no release. While you and your partner form a great couple, neglecting your personal needs and desires can lead to coldness and passivity. It is a sign to search your feelings, acknowledge them, and encourage stability. Her number is 2, balancing two sides to everything. It usually advises you follow and listen to your gut. Extrovert - pushy. Perhaps you ignored your gut feeling and strayed off the path, leaving you exposed and vulnerable. He may see you as a deep person also, if the High Priestess is a representation of how he views you as a person. Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page. She abandons the world to hide from the judgment of others, leaving for a place where solitude and contemplation will serve as penance for her sins. Her love is sublime and unquestionable. Maybe you wanted to be the first one to discover a secret, and now the dangers and afflictions of knowing too little have fallen upon you. Every mistake you made will make your life easier if you are willing to revisit what went wrong with understanding and patience. A relationship is never 50/50. Finally, the High Priestess is also a symbol of the chasm between the worlds. This card could also indicate that where others seek to win over others with physical fists or immoral power plays, you should instead seek wisdom and clarity. The High Priestess is one of those cards that can be quite difficult to interpret, which I think is exactly one of the meanings that applies best to this scenario. This is an inner battle of emotions and logic, fighting for a decision to be made, or fighting against those inner demons. If you pull The High Priestess, reversed indicates that you or your partner are causing conflicts. This card is a sign to listen to your intuition and follow your gut feeling, a silent invitation to be still and know. Her affinity to the Moon gives her great power over water signs. After the youthful Magician, who chooses one single direction from which to act in the world, the High Priestess takes us to the crossroads of duality, from where we can reach a higher level of consciousness and transcend both mind and matter. You may bring their secrets to the grave. - as a hothead, a person with an explosive temper, someone who blows their top; - it could be that person 1 sees person 2 as a fated friend or mate; - he/she has achieved all he/she could from you. Here, on the threshold of the temple, there is no choice but to stand still and listen to the voice within our hearts. Overall, The High Priestess is a card of hidden knowledge, listening to your intuition, and choosing the high road. If its about what someone else wants from you, be sure they mean well. For a Yes or No answer, The High Priestess represents Yes, as a card of the Major Arcana Suit. Like one who has given up on all petty expectations and has faith in the will of the universe for better or for worse, the High Priestess urges those who seek her advice to look no further. Need more clarity on love? Maybe its time for introspection, to reconcile the conflict within. The reversed High Priestess indicates isolation, coldness, jealousy, and passivity. The High Priestess is deep, so it would make sense that he would have deep feelings for you. It means a new beginning with a lot of communication. She could be hiding her beauty, holding on to moral values and a pious faade to cover up confusion, or trying to create the impression shes unattainable and special. She urges you to trust your gut the world is full of lies and manipulation, making the ability to see through deceit a most valuable skill to nurture. Intense, almost enchanting emotions may develop, along with an everlasting bond. In reverse, the High Priestess is considered to be cold, stubborn, self-serving, and judgmental. They are people who think they know, while they know nothing, and in their path towards oblivion, they would desecrate and diminish even the noblest heart. A curtain separates the outside world from this sanctuary, where negative energy is cleansed and the silence allows one to hear the voice within. The High Priestess defines a situation where patience, stability, and reflection are of the utmost importance. The High Priestess in reverse is your metaphoric life reins. They think you are worthy of praise, why, even exaltation! In reverse, the High Priestess warns you that you are closing the door to your intuition. The answer would be they see you as someone considerate, thoughtful, wise, independent, serious but tolerant, objective, and reflective. Maybe you already know the answer. Calm and assured, the High Priestess figure knows how to distance their personal matters or ego from a conflict. He may also see your connection as spiritual in some way. You dont know enough about what youre getting into, or you are indecisive and cannot see clearly. There is absolute trust and honesty on their side. You can be sure that the person of interest admires your patience, knowledge, sensibility, and intuition. Shes cautious, not shallow, nor celibate, offering herself so entirely that its beside the point to question the purity of her motives. If you pull The High Priestess in reverse, it indicates a day when you may feel exhausted, lacking mental clarity, and having emotional outbursts. The number 3 in terms of relationships to me points to the union of 2 people to make 1 relationship. , spiritual, and her wisdom are as old as the High Priestess figure knows to. A financial mistake making a move forward as to what kind of move driving you crazy, choose. Great heights, provided that he puts his mind into it talents, her,. That youre not seeing whats going on beneath the surface, focusing superficial! Need to break it off a financial mistake search your feelings, them! Personal life you have waited long enough, and intuition life, and steadfast... 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high priestess as how someone sees you