Once Sera loses her powers and was outed as being depowered to the rest of Wellston, John's determination changes where he's now motivated to throw Wellston into chaos. Trick is a trait that shows how well a user can utilize their ability to surprise or outplay their opponent; this stat depends on the users ingenuity and creativity. backlog intangible asset; west metro fire union contract. When it became clear that the crippled Sera was now going to be treated like shit by Wellston's Mid-tier students, John drops the act by becoming the school's masked, Those who know of John's ability and what he can do are visibly unnerved by his presence, "Do not activate your power when near him". He could only produce a copy of others' abilities after he awakened his power . John was expelled from his previous high school after beating up half his class. John managed to sense Adrion's ability, copy it, and win his first practice match. There's a certain irony that can't be missed: Arlo created what he thought to be the perfect system of hierarchy after Rei's graduation, and that system kept everyone in line. For example, while he appreciates the environment of the Safe House, he ultimately views everyone in attendance as having an agenda (the High tiers are solidifying their own influence and position, and the Low are clinging on for protection) and that the club will collapse once it is no longer being controlled by the the iron fist of the Royals. John Doe is the central protagonist of unORDINARY. Though brutal in battle, John had a better control of his temper when not on the attack and would not be goaded into fighting ahead of his own schedule. But by the laws of that hierarchy, once John became the king, that system was what drove everyone into a panic. As of the latest episode, his limit is four high-level abilities, as shown in episode 155 (He copied Zekes, Remis, Blykes, and Isens ability. Aware that his secrets were slowly being uncovered, John is able to anticipate his opponents' strategies against him and devise counter-strategies to ensure his victory. ", RELATED: Japan Sinks: 2020 Manga Preview: A Prelude to an Inspiring Survival Story. Her high-tier Passive ability appears to be enhanced strength in her attacks. Claire visited John to inform him that she had more visions of him using abilities of all kinds. During his time as the King of New Bostin, he went as far as to brutally beat a student for simply critisizing him about this to another student within earshot of him, After Sera reveals that she knows he's Joker, she lands in this category as well, He starts beating up the elites and high tiers as payback for all the bullying they did or allowed to happen before, but eventually it becomes. for his attack on Isen, John makes it clear that Isen is just as bad as everyone else in the school for how he treated John during the fake interview, and absolutely deserved the beatdown John did to him. He also rationalizes Seraphina's confrontation about his past and him being Joker and Arlo intervening when he began to assault her were all planned to decieve and betray him and declares both of them are dead to him, swearing to never see them ever again. Unfortunately, John was already injured and needed to go to the infirmary.[26]. "Everyone is just as f-ked up as I am! John was pretty hyped to learn what he was capable of, but his excitement died down when Claire reminded him that they still needed to figure out how his ability worked. She denounced her decision to become his friend and help him as the biggest mistake of her life. She complained that he shouldn't be so rough during practice, but Adrion insited that it was alright. As the masked attacker and the Joker, John wears a black ski-mask and ditches his jacket. John. while willfully overlooking the fact that he is the strongest student in the school, yet likewise does nothing to help make the school better. he completely stops listening to reason. When John stops slicking back his hair, it signals his slide into his older, more hateful, personality, When he returns back to Wellston after his suspension, he seems to have gotten a haircut - while his hair is still somewhat wild, it is shorter and less messy. It takes Seraphina figuratively and literally breaking through his barriers to get him out of this. The two of them made up a lot of lost bonding time. For the first time in his life, John turned to his father for help. He felt that Wellston Private High School was the right fit for him, as the difficult entrance exams would surely mean that academics took priority over showing off one's power. Even after Sera starts to piece it together herself in chapter 152, she still holds onto the belief that John can't be Joker, By the season 1 finale, Sera now knows that not only is John, karma came back to bite her in the ass when the Wellston mid-tiers she's been ignoring and possibly harming decide to kidnap and beat her up after she's been depowered. Sera thought john was homeschooled but now she knows he was the king at new bostin. he'll beat the living shit out of anyone who has hurt her in any way, going on to destroy the hierarchy for what it did to the both of them. Seraphina is currently the strongest god-tier revealed so far. He has the ability to copy other people's powers based on sensing the power aura of his opponent when their ability is active. On the day of the presentation, John's uncharacteristically serious demeanor caught the attention of Seraphina, prompting her to ask what was wrong. Ability Mixing: John can combine the abilities he's copied, once Blyke's "Energy Beam" with Isen's "Hunter" to create homing energy beams that cannot be dodged. The last chapter of unOrdinary left off with [SPOILER] taking his fellow students by surprise, revealing that he wasn't without powers after all. [28] This is likely because, as pointed out by his father and Claire, John has difficulty coming to terms with certain realities[29][7], making him appear outright delusional at times. While he initially started off as a low-tier,[4] John's ability level shot up significantly during his high school years and by the time of his expulsion, John was already a god-tier with a level of 7.0. John eventually managed totweak and improve the abilities he copied -- a feat the original holders were yet to pull off -- and even used them in combination with each other. He's afraid of repeating the same mistakes hemade in the past and hurting those precious to him -- which did eventually happen. Admitting defeat, apologizing, or pleading for mercy only falls on deaf ears as Joker would indiscriminately beat down all his victims in the same fashion; John knew full well from his time posing as a cripple that his targets surrendered out of fear rather than any genuine sense of remorse. Their research led them to believe that John had to learn how to consciously control the flow of his aura channels. She starts to defend Low-tiers against the Mid-tiers under the belief that it's not fair how their only choices is to either get beat up now, or get beat up later, Being depowered by Spectre, and then getting kidnapped and beaten up by fellow mid-tier students, makes it clear to Sera that she took her power and high-status for granted without ever thinking about how it effects those around her. Claire faithfully supported him during this period of training. As with his Monster personality, John does not relent when he fights, and sadistically beats his opponents within an inch of their lives. [23][26] When he goes all out, he displays a sharp, tactical mind that can overcome the limitations of his ability; he often goad his targets into using their abilities so he could mimic them for personal use. Christian Markle is writing anime, manga, webtoon, and manhwa-related articles for CBR. Oliver dodged it and punched John to the ground. Unbeknownst to her, John is mentally broken from using his powers the heroic way, Blyke all but calls him this when he begins targeting the Safe House. He gleaned much understanding, but his many attempts to fire such a ray had no success. What if we just blamed Oliver for everything? His rage seemed to blind him to the fact that some of the things he demanded from them were beyond their power. However, once Season 2 comes around, he finally takes Arlo's place as the King of Wellston. It then came time to test his improvement. John views idealists like Arlo and Reimi as delusion morons who are doomed to fail. John felt that her grievance paled to the humilation he endured being ordered around by a low-tier like her, and demanded she apologize to him instead. The reason he doesn't use his ability is because he fears that he will become a monster. Despite the similarities, John's Joker and Monster personality are distinguishable from each other by one trait: their attitudes towards hierarchy itself. This made him a popular target to bully. He beat him past the point of unconsciousness, and might have kept it up if it weren't for a teacher hearing the conflict. In this world, strength defines a person. He has tried to disassociate himself with this Monster personality, but thanks to the world he lived in, he could never truly be rid of it. John currently attends Wellston Private High School as a third-year student and the second ranked student, but repeatedly got bullied at first for claiming that he was powerless. Claire said that she believed John the potential to surpass someone older and more experienced, but it would take time and effort even for him. He is motivated to become a better person, even though he isn't sure if he can be one. UnOrdinary , unordinary when does john reveal his powers to sera, HOW JOHN GOT HIS POWERS | unOrdinary Episode 181 Reaction , r/unOrdinary What chapter did john reveal his power to . This enables him to enjoy his life, with the few people he does respect, while he allows the rest of the world to squabble and destroy itself. Power seems to be equal for both while the other stats of John are inferior to Narissas. John preferred concealing his true power and trying to forget the pain and suffering he caused rather than improving himself as a high-tier. [24], After returning from the infirmary, John and Seraphina were forced to be partners for a three-part literature project, much to the reluctance of both parties. This copy ability allows John to see other people's aura flow, which is how he caught wind of Terrence stalking Seraphina. However, John does have some traits that are always present no matter which side of him happens to be in control. Thus, he publicly declared himself King of Wellston after savagely beating Zeke in front of the whole school. Will he begin the Reign of Terror, likes Robespierre did, or will he attempt to establish a new system of equality? After Arlo's betrayal[2] during his best friend, Seraphina's suspension, however, he revealed his true power by ripping apart Wellston's hierarchy under the alias of Joker, donning an infamous black mask. With John's knowledge of ability fundamentals and his quick thinking, hes truly a force to be reckoned with. His friends were sympathetic, but had accepted that they couldn't do anything to change the world. missemilyowen15 1 mo. What episode of unOrdinary does John reveal his powers to Sera? He's not that bothered by this, seeing as it means he's not the type to devise long-term plots against people, save for Arlo. Even without powers, he can still hold his own against multiple mid-tier opponents, After he becomes the new King of Wellston, he declares he is the one who rules. John was a 7.0 God-tier when he was expelled from New Bostin two years ago. The title of "King" itself stems from the monarchy one might commonly find in the medieval and early-modern periods, and it's shown many times throughout the series to see how high-tiers relentlessly make the life of low-tiers a living hell. Back before he discovered his ability, he hated all the bullies at his school for lording their power over other people and treating everyone around them like dirt. He marched right back and began pounding Oliver mercilessly. She even takes a knife for Arlo when Spectre attacks her, Arlo, John, and Seraphina. How does John Wick style his hair? During the start of his third year, during school hours, he was typically found wearing the Wellston school uniform with his hair gelled flat against his head and a single lock hanging over his face (Seraphina calls this hairdo his "helmet"); his casual hairdo is unkempt and spiky. Michael has been already been convicted and released for time served, but followup episodes happened, along with an HBO dramatization that appears further down in this list. Uru chan on Discord 29/12/2017 uru-chan - Yesterday at 3:26 AM @Shakition i hate John When she is suspended, John gradually becomes more violent and spiteful towards his peers due to the increased bullying. John Doe is a student of Wellston Highschool, and is one of the school's "cripples". He reacted to being confronted about his power trips by telling his dad to butt out if he wasn't going to take his side. During the presentation, John proceeded to improvise most of the presentation by fabricating information, resulting in him and Seraphina receiving a B-. In fact, he is even more short-tempered than before now, vowing to sabotage Remi's "Safe House" simply because she insulted him. John blames high-tiers for setting a horrible example for everyone beneath them and allowing mid-tiers to mercilessly bully low-tiers. Instead, he tells Zeke of what would be occurring if their positions were swapped: John would be getting beaten continuously, as he did so much in the past. They accepted, and John giddily tore through opponents all on his own. John hated losing, but Zirian had to go make it worse by insulting his training methods and calling him a puffed-up weakling in front of an agreeing crowd. John felt that it would be best if he lived as cripples to for the rest of his life, though he kep it a secret from his dad.[17]. Shortly after this, Claire started keeping her distance from the King. However, they only received an A- on the overall assignment, to Seraphina's mild disappointment. He is also proficient in combining abilities in creative ways, which was best displayed in the Season 1 Finale against Remi, Blyke, Isen, and Arlo. At any moment in which any student so as much. John has begun developing other unsavory personality traits as a result of his crusade. While this tampered down before he went to Wellston, thanks to Arlo and the hierarchy he was forced to endure in his new high school, arguably being just as bad if not. He challenged Zirian, King of New Bostin High School, for his title. Uuuuwwh thanks so much for helping keep the story alive! ago Well there was that bit when he was frozen to the ground he did manage to activate his ability and push past the negater thingy (as I anticipated because of reasons I won't go into unless you want me to, it's a lengthy one) briefly to break out of the ice. [2] But despite his claims of skepticsm, John couldn't help but get his hopes up. He insulted his critic for being stupid enough to speak out against him. Claire helped John master his ability through her visions, which also helped him conquer New Bostin. It makes it clear that John has PTSD when it comes to Keon. John's special copy ability is easily one of the strongest supernatural powers in unOrdinary. He then admits everything that arlo has done was because of john. Zeke himself is left with the realization, "Those papers weren't a lie after all. But John would taste the first defeat he had in a long while. WARNING: This article contains spoilers for unOrdinary episode 188. A "John Doe" is a nobody. The bad mood he was in brightened slightly when she said that she finally had another vision of him, and he pressed her for deets. John is older than the students in his grade by a year, as he had taken a year off at the readjustment facility. Zeke himself is left with the realization, "Those papers weren't a lie after all. His ability, aura manipulation, allows him to copy the abilities of others and even combine them to create devastating attacks. So, when forced into the social structure, John believes it is his natural position to be the one in complete power due to his superior strength, and John believes those under him owe him perfect obedience and loyalty, also because of his strength. John initially refused, but Seraphina threatened to use her ability to take it by force. All the students that Claire rallied up charge at John, John then insulted the other students, telling them they were fools to think that they had any hope of besting him. [9] While brooding there one day, he was approached by Adrion, the only student left willing to approach him. But due to Keon's lessons, John saw himself as a selfish weakling who couldn't help but become corrupted by power. With zombies. Leilah is Seraphinas older sister and Narisas daughter. After his readjustment classes, where he was, Keon causes John to remember back to his painful memories of when he beat up his New Bostin classmates, which is what happens in chapter 135 when Keon arrives at Wellston to interrogate John. John was born as a cripple (1.2) with no power. Set in a world where almost everybody possesses a supernatural ability,unOrdinaryfeatures a huge variety of superpowers. Possibly the reason hes been keeping his ability a secret from his classmates. She is also the girlfriend of Wellstons school doctor, Darren. John hasn't forgiven Arlo for treating him like shit and claiming to have ruined his life, which leads John to believe that Arlo deserves to have his life ruined in return, in his past as a King of his old high school. He has better control over his anger and is able to joke around and smile like he did before. Everything else John has done has blown up in his face when it comes to the hierarchy. We finally get to know how he awakens his ability and when it happened but we all know what happens next.Question of the week? His jacket mid-tiers to mercilessly bully low-tiers it happened but we all know what next.Question! Left with the realization, & quot ; Those papers were n't a lie after all his. John would taste the first time in his face when it comes to Keon 's lessons John... The similarities, John turned to his father for help powers in unOrdinary and smile like he did before of. 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unordinary when does john reveal his powers to sera