theory of money

When people use something as a medium of exchange, it becomes money. If people were to begin accepting basketballs as payment for most goods and services, basketballs would be money. We will learn in this chapter that changes in the way people use money have created new types of money and changed the way money is measured in recent decades. The money that is issued and has the full power of the government for its creation and further used as a medium of exchange is known as fiat money. On the other hand, the money that is not issued according to the government and has its respective value and is used as a medium of exchange is known as commodity money. A fiat currency functions well when the public has enough confidence in the currency’s ability to act as a storage medium for purchasing power.

This type of currency is derived from a material that has value, such as gold or silver. Consider dollar bills — they’re all cut from the same paper, but their values can differ depending on what a government deems the currency is capable of being exchanged for. Fiat currency, or fiat money, is a type of currency that’s issued by the government and is not backed by physical commodities, such as gold. Instead, the fiat money value comes from the public’s trust in the issuer, the government. Nowadays, there are different types of currencies — some can be backed by a government, such as fiat currencies, and some are decentralized and backed by blockchain technology, such as cryptocurrencies.

The Different Types of Money in an Economy

Gold, for example, has an intrinsic value that almost everyone on the face of the Earth recognizes. Of course, modern economists argue commodity money has far more disadvantages than advantages, which remains why fiat money is the money of choice for all developed nations. Like commodity money, fiat money has value because it is determined to have value by the most concerned. In this case, the government issues fiat money, such as the U.S. government. Proponents of the gold standard argue that this type of system helps control credit expansion and controls the lending standards employed by banks. All because the physical supply of gold backs the extension of credit.

Please ensure you understand how this product works and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing money. Money Vs Currency – CompareMoney cannot be touched or smelled but can be seen in numbers and intangible. In contrast, the currency is a promissory note or coin presented in the form of money and is a tangible concept. The creation of units of measurements such as ounces and pounds paved the way for such.

Easily Exchangeable

The people were familiar with the use of credit notes, and they readily accepted pieces of paper or paper drafts. Currencies were backed by physical commodities such as silver and gold, but fiat money is based on the creditworthiness of the issuing government. The increase in the creation of money and the impacts has led to increased interest in cryptocurrencies as an alternative to fiat currencies.


Commodity money and fiat money are commonly viewed as two quite different kinds of money. The transition from commodity to fiat money occurred in the mid-20th century when the State ended the gold backing of its notes. In the following we abstract from the analysis of the Swedish economist Per Berglund to show how the two kinds of money actually fit into a single framework, based on the State theory of money.

The gold standard has a long and complicated history in the U.S. and worldwide and will stay a subject for another day. Explain why gold backing is not necessary to give paper money value. Explain the difference between fiscal policy and monetary policy.

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UK Proposes Regulatory Regime for Cryptoassets Insights.

Posted: Tue, 07 Feb 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

This is because fiat currency only comprises the price of papermaking. On the other hand, commodity money covers workforce expenses needed for commodity extraction. Moreover, Ammous states that the cost of total fiat currency is3.5%of the entire international wealth. Nevertheless, the amount is used to fund wars, monopoly banksters, and government parasites. He also firmly mentioned how fiat currency helps broaden the economic divide. money is backed only XRP by the faith of the government and its ability to levy taxes. Since it does not have an intrinsic value per se, it can be more prone to this kind of inflation as more can be printed at will. Commodity money, however, retains value based on the metal or other material content it has. Fiat money is therefore more at risk of inflation because its value is not intrinsic. The words “currency” and “money” are often used in the same sentence and clouded together, but there is an important distinction to make between them.

There are some specific places where we can find commodity money for selling and purchasing. The government does not issue the commodity money, but it is one of the wealth of the country’s economy. Although fiat money is viewed as a more stable currency that can cushion against recessions, the global financial crisis proved otherwise. Even though the Federal Reserve controls the money supply, it was not able to prevent the crisis from happening.

We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the s we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy. Many governments no longer think commodity money is in the best interests of the public. Most modern paper currencies are fiat currencies, including the U.S. dollar, the euro, and other major global currencies.

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The value of fiat money is dependent on how a country’s economy is performing, how the country is governing itself, and the effects of these factors on interest rates. A country experiencing political instability is likely to have a weakened currency and inflated commodity prices, making it hard for people to buy products as they may need. We saw a great example of fiat monies and the ability to control interest rates, money supply, and liquidity with the central bank’s response to the Great Recession in 2008. The ability to control those aspects of the money helped lessen the blow to both the U.S. and global economies. Learn about the fiat money definition and history of fiat currency. Understand what gives fiat money value, examples, and its advantages and disadvantages.

As a result, we are able to purchase different goods at different prices. If we cannot measure money, we cannot measure how much we are willing to pay. If there was only a $50 note in circulation; it makes it incredibly difficult to buy something at $1. Commodities such as meat would not be effective as they go bad over time.


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What Is A Central Bank Digital Currency? – Forbes Advisor UK – Forbes

What Is A Central Bank Digital Currency? – Forbes Advisor UK.

Posted: Tue, 07 Feb 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Precious metals are also heavy, so people began to offer receipts for storing their commodities, which they could carry MATIC with them and exchange when required. Goldsmiths would store gold for customers and issue them with receipts for this gold. In addition, the price of fiat money depends on government regulations and fiscal policy, which could result in a bubble with a rapid increase and decline in prices. The economic theory of money is generally expressed in a terminology that is not economic but juristic.


That resulted in hyperinflation, which ran between 231 million and 489 billion percent in 2008. The strength of a currency will come from the belief in the currency and the strength of the economy of the country. This is generally based on the political stability of the region, the strength of business in that country, and the trust in the economy of that country. Following and knowing the strength of a currency can be a huge benefit for international businesses, as the fluctuations between the currencies can cause losses.

In the United States, the Coinage Act of 1965 eliminated silver from circulating dimes and quarter dollars, and most other countries did the same with their coins. The Canadian penny, which was mostly copper until 1996, was removed from circulation altogether during the autumn of 2012 due to the cost of production relative to face value. The Royal Canadian Mint still issues Playing Card Money in commemoration of its history, but now in 92.5% silver form with gold plate on the edge.

Does Fiat Money Have Intrinsic Value?

No. Fiat money has no intrinsic value. Rather, it conveys a legal tender whose worth is fixed by the issuing government and the supply and demand relationship. Additionally, it is not supported by any physical commodity and is determined as per the administration’s stability.

Also, it must be backed by the full credit of the government that gives a decree and prints it as a legal tender for financial transactions. Century, mainly in the Yuan, Tang, Song, and Ming dynasties. In the Tang Dynasty ( ), there was a high demand for metallic currency that exceeded the supply of precious metals.

For difference between commodity money and fiat money currencies to be successful, the nations must control both counterfeiting and management of monetary supply. Describe the differences between commodity money and fiat money, making sure to explain what makes fiat money work. Examples of fiduciary money include instruments such as checks, banknotes, and drafts.

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